Certain courses require an additional fee to cover specific tangible goods or services received in conjunction with taking a specific class. These fees are lab fees, field trip fees, or material fees.
The OSU Fee Book (also referred to as OSU Fees Online) is used to create and submit online course fee proposals to add new fees or change/drop existing fees. The site allows public access to view or search the existing fees. Authorized users, otherwise known as Originators are permitted to create fee proposals for the purpose of adding or changing a fee. Any person wishing to become an Originator must take and pass an online test before an Administrator will establish their security access.
Course fee proposals are reviewed by the Course Fee Committee and are allowed based on specific criteria outlined in the Course Fee Guidelines.
Course fees are returned to the program that offers the particular course and must be expended in support of that course. Course fees are published in the OSU Fee Book and can also be found in the Schedule of Classes published by the Office of the Registrar.
There are currently 3 deadlines for course fees.
Refer to the Finance Calendar for specific dates.
Only authorized users otherwise known as Originators are permitted to create fee proposals for the purpose of adding or changing a fee. Any person wishing to become an Originator must take and pass an online test before an Administrator will establish their security access.
Register for the OSU Fees Online test through Professional Development. The test is delivered through Canvas.
To terminate a fee in the Fee Book, send an email to the Course Fee Administrator with the following information:
The Course Fee Administrator will terminate the fee effective the term you request.
Please be sure to coordinate with the Schedule Desk to remove any fees from the course catalog.
Sometimes you may not be able to see a course in the Fee Book if it is new or has been recently reestablished. If you do not see the course (subject & number) contact the Course Fee Administrator. The Course Fee Administrator may be able to re-enable a specific course or add the course manually.
Sometimes Originators are unable to edit a proposal or create a new fee for a particular subject. Please contact the Course Fee Administrator to troubleshoot.
Was a request sent to the department's scheduling contact? Once a fee has been approved in the Fee Book, it does not automatically add the fee to the course section.
Course fee requests now funnel through the Registrar's section scheduling software (CLSS). Please work with your scheduling contact to add the fees. A department's scheduling contact can be found on the Office of the Registrar's Scheduling Contacts page.
If the accounting information for a fee needs to be updated in the Fee Book, email the Course Fee Administrator. The Course Fee Administrator will update the detail, index, or activity code for a course fee.
The detail code drives where the resources post (index, account, activity) and if the fee is refundable or not. It does not matter if a different index is entered on the proposal, the resources will go where the detail code directs it. If the accounting for the detail code needs to be updated, Student Accounts will need to be contacted. Updating the detail code would affect all the courses using that detail code.
The Schedule Desk will need to be notified if a course changed its detail code. Otherwise Banner will continue to use the old detail code.