Shared Responsibility Budget Model (SRBM)

The Shared Responsibility Budget Model (SRBM) serves as Oregon State University’s budgeting process that allocates revenue to colleges and service and support units. The SRBM was implemented in FY 2018 as a shift away from incremental budgeting. The SRBM changed the budget allocation methodology and shifted authority and discretion around budgeting decisions to the funded colleges/units. The model allocates OSU’s Educational & General (E&G) funds each fiscal year.


FY25 FINAL Shared Responsibility Budget Model

SRBM Principles

  • The SRBM is a method to distribute the large and flexible resources OSU has to deliver our mission.
  • The “shared responsibility” aspect is key. 
    • Funding allocations leave great discretion and authority with deans and other unit leaders.
    • The SRBM doesn’t specifically fund or limit funding for activities within colleges or divisions.
  • Aligns the budget allocation process to support and advance Prosperity Widely Shared.
  • Recognizes the diverse academic missions of OSU’s colleges and centers.
  • Ensures the university is financially sound and can make the long-term investments required for success.
  • Many OSU resources are outside of the SRBM due to various limitations.
    • Self-support funds – housing, dining, parking, athletics, etc. 
    • Restricted funding – grants, gifts, etc. 
    • Statewide Public Services – state appropriations with defined purposes (Ag Experiment Stations, Extension, Forest Research Lab, Outdoor School)
    • OSU-Cascades

SRBM Revisions

Following months of collaboration and conversations across colleges and central administration, a multi-year project facilitated by a committee of stakeholders and faculty peers has concluded its assessment and resulted in an update of OSU’s SRBM in alignment with the state funding model. The revised SRBM serves to provide an equitable distribution of E&G funds.

SRBM Revision Goals

  • Make the model more predictable and easier to forecast
  • Reduce complexity 
  • Replace or drop use of CIP-based weights
  • Eliminate or reduce unintended incentives for curricular decisions based on the budget 
  • Review relative weights for BA/BS, MS, PhD degree completions and SCH
  • Centralize network service expense allocation