Accounts Payable Focus Groups

Overall perceptions from the three groups provided a somewhat positive view of the accounts payable (A/P) process.

  • Perspectives on the efficiency and effectiveness of A/P processes were slightly positive in addition to consistency in processing tasks and length of turnaround time for processing accounts payable.
  • People mildly agreed that there was good communication/collaboration and proper support/resources related to their working needs
  • Transparency and ease of use that BennyBuy provides (electronic invoices, paperless opportunities, visibility of invoice workflow in BennyBuy)
  • Docusign provides ease of reimbursement responses and efficiency of time, pcards adding more control within departments
  • The approval process using BennyBuy is efficient with the ability to scan invoices directly to BCs
  • Limitations to the functionality Accounts Payable processes/systems (changing/altering FOAPAL elements in BennyBuy, inability to retrieve finalized purchase orders, vendors and turnaround time, navigation, lack of integration across systems)
  •  Lack of updated or adequate trainings (e.g. the allowability in approvals, wire transferring, Banner 9)
  • Lack of consistency (e.g. entering invoices, what approvers will/will not accept, etc.) and transparency (e.g. tracking invoices, seeing invoice images in CORE, reporting expenditures, policies, etc.)
  • Lack of authority to make rapid/impromptu purchases and no direct invoicing capabilities
  • Develop one system for handling Accounts Payable processes to improve consistency and simplicity
  • More authority allocated locally on a department level for the processing of personal invoices
  • Improve training in processes and increase staff needed to provide training and documentation issues
  • Better functionality of software to make changes to FOAPAL and check/edit invoices, in addition to mobile accessibility for collecting/processing receipts
  • Consistency and clarification of processes for personal reimbursements and vendor payment requests
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