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The HORTICULTURIST enforces the laws of Oregon relative to nursery stock, Christmas trees, and plant quarantines
through a program of licensing and inspection for the protection of Oregon's Nursery and Christmas tree industry
and provides information and consultant services to the nursery and Christmas tree industry and the general public.


This is a single classification and not currently part of a series of classes.


Allocation of positions to this class will depend on the total work performed, which may include one or a combination
of the duties or tasks listed below.

  1. Inspection and Certification. Typical tasks: conducts inspection of nursery stock, Christmas trees,
    and other plant material covered by State and Federal quarantines and regulatory orders; issues certificates authorizing
    interstate and world-wide movement of regulated plant material; performs inspections on imported plant materials
    for compliance with Oregon's nursery and plant quarantine laws and post-entry requirements of the United States
    Department of Agriculture; rejects or condemns plant materials in violation of the plant quarantine laws; inspects
    plant material for the general public for shipment to other states and foreign countries and provides necessary
    certification; collects pest and disease data to determine life cycles, distribution, and presence of new or unreported
    pests and diseases; provides expert testimony where such is required.
  2. Technical Assistance and Instruction. Typical tasks: provides technical expertise and makes recommendations
    to members of the nursery and Christmas tree industries concerning culture of the respective crops, control of
    noxious weeds, insect pests, and diseases; monitors treatment and fumigation of timber products, fruit, nursery
    stock, Christmas trees, growing sites, and media; provides growers with information relevant to import and export
    requirements and plant quarantines of other states and foreign countries; identifies plants and provides information
    regarding their growth and development; represents the department at nursery and horticulture functions; gives
    technical lectures to nursery and Christmas tree industry groups; participates in educational exhibits at industry
    trade shows; aids in developing and maintaining a working technical library of reference material and photographic
    series of noxious weeds, insects, diseases, and physiological disorders; provides the general public with disease,
    insect pest, culture, and shipping information.


Employees regularly contact or are contacted by members of the nursery and Christmas tree industry, Oregon State
University Cooperative Extension Service, Federal agencies, grower organizations, and the general public providing
information, recommendations, and certification of Oregon's nursery stock, Christmas trees, and other plant material.
Contacts are made in person, by telephone, correspondence, and in meetings.


Employees in this class receive general supervision from the program supervisor who provides work assignments
and reviews the progress of the assigned duties. Employees follow State laws, Administrative Rules, departmental
policy, and inspection techniques to plan and conduct daily activities.


Positions are found in central and remote locations throughout the State and may require working from the employee's
home. Positions may require working long hours under adverse conditions. They require the willingness to work in
the environment associated with the position's location.


A Bachelor's degree in Horticulture, Horticultural Science, or a closely related biological science and
two years of horticultural experience which included the identification and control of pests.