The OSU Policy Analyst maintains the administrative manuals on this web page. The administrative manuals are currently being revised to conform to the requirements of the Policy & Procedure Manual Management (PPMM) Program. The online manuals replace the earlier paper editions, which are no longer produced. In accordance with Oregon public records laws and requirements, printouts of the manuals' online text serves as the official record and are available for inspection at University Archives. To access earlier versions of a manual, please send an email request to University Archives at stating the manual name, policy number (or policy name if not numbered), and posting date(s) desired.
The Policy Analyst provides consultation for the development and maintenance of department/unit manuals and internal manuals such as desktop manuals. The Policy Analyst is located at 122 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, OR 97331-2132 and may be contacted by phone at 541-737-9238, or email
Please use the latest versions of Firefox or Internet Explorer when viewing the online manuals. Some manuals still use a PDF format for some files. In order to view or print a PDF document, you need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available at no charge on the Adobe Web site. (Return to top of page)