Policy Steward: 
Fiscal Policy Officer
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Thursday, February 1, 2024

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Policy Officer – The coordinator of all administrative actions of the fiscal policy program. This person is responsible for receiving all requests from Policy Coordinators, managing the review and approval process in coordination with the Policy Committee, drafting changes, making edits and seeing each request through to its ultimate disposition. This position is also responsible for developing and implementing an institution-wide compliance and training program, maintaining related website content, serving as the resource for the university community on fiscal policy and associated rules, communicating any decisions regarding policy or rule development to the pertinent audience, and initiating annual reviews and updates of current policy and associated rules.

Policy Committee – The committee will be comprised of representatives from Financial Accounting & Analysis, Business Centers and other personnel as appropriate who will evaluate requests for new or revised fiscal policies or rules as prepared by the Policy Officer. The committee will verify that all appropriate stakeholders have been identified and that their feedback has been received before making an approval or denial recommendation and submitting it to the Vice President for Finance and Administration (or designee) for a final decision. This group will meet on a monthly basis to process requests and make administrative decisions on standard development processes, procedures, tools and protocols associated with the fiscal policy program.

Policy Coordinator – The liaison within each Business Center or other designated unit who receives requests for new or revised fiscal policies or rules from unit constituents (Requestor). This person completes the fiscal policy request forms and submits them to the Policy Officer for processing. Each unit will delegate a person for this assignment from existing staff within that unit.

Policy Steward – The content expert or responsible position for a particular fiscal policy or rule. This person will review any such new or revised fiscal policy or rule, providing feedback to the Policy Officer and Policy Committee regarding the efficacy and viability of proposed policy or rule changes. This individual will also contribute to the identification of policy stakeholders, participate in post-implementation training, monitor related policy and associated rules and make recommendations to update or retire such policies and rules as needed.

Requestor – The person who initiates the request to either modify a current fiscal policy or rule or to create a new fiscal policy or rule based upon an identified need. This person would submit the request to their respective Policy Coordinator. (Could be the same person as the Policy Steward)

Executive Support – The Vice President for Finance and Administration (or designee) provides final approval of every new policy and associated rule, or major revision. The Office of University Compliance will work with the Policy Officer and Policy Committee to review any non-fiscal policy conflicts. The Office of General Counsel will work with the Policy Officer and Policy Committee to review any potential legal issues. University and departmental leaders will ensure adequate processes and procedures are in place to support fiscal policy and associated rules.