Policy Steward: 
Fiscal Policy Officer
Format Updated: 
University Policy & Standards Converted: 
Revision Date: 
Monday, August 6, 2018

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All requests for new or revised fiscal policy are processed by the Fiscal Policy Officer and approved by the Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC).


The process checklist at the bottom of the Request form is processed as follows:

  • Request will be reviewed to determine relevance, type (new policy or rule, major or minor revision, basic edit or interpretation) and impact, which determines how draft will be processed.

  • If fiscal policy issue is not relevent to OSU, request will be returned to Policy Coordinator to be redirected as appropriate.

  • If request is for a minor revision, basic edit or interpretation, fiscal policy/rule will be updated, posted to fiscal policy manual and Policy Coordinator will be notified.

  • The Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA), or designee, will be briefed on possible changes.

  • If deemed urgent, request may be directly routed to VPFA, bypassing any or all of the following steps.

  • For all other requests, draft or revision will be reviewed and policy or rule will be updated or developed as necessary.

  • The Office of University Compliance will be consulted for any new or revised fiscal policy or rule with potential policy conflicts, and the Office of General Counsel will be consulted for any new or revised fiscal policy or rule with potential legal issues.

  • Stakeholder feedback will be solicited and incorporated as appropriate.

  • The Fiscal Policy Committee will review draft of new or revised policy or rule, provide recommendations and assist in developing final draft.

  • Once final draft is approved (see process below), fiscal policy/rule will be posted to fiscal policy manual and communicated across the university.

The final approval at the bottom of the Request form is processecd as follows:

  • The Fiscal Policy Officer/Committee Chair, or designee form the FPC, must provide a signature and date to validate that any new or revised fiscal policy or rule (other than a minor revision to a rule or a simple edit to a policy or rule) has been reviewed and approval by the FPC.

  • The VPFA, or designee, must review and approve any new fiscal policy or rule, and any revised fiscal policy (other than a simple edit).

  • If determined to be University Policy, the approved draft will be routed to the Executive Policy & Standards Committee for approval.

  • The FPC meeting minutes should reflect final approval of any new or revised policy or rule, including any pertinent discussion or dissenting opinion(s) by the FPC.

  • The completed, signed Request Form, supporting documents, applicable meeting minutes and final draft of policy/rule will be maintained by the Fiscal Policy Officer.

  • The completed, signed Request Form, supporting documents, applicable meeting minutes and final draft of policy/rule will be maintained by the Fiscal Policy Officer.