* This information replaces FIS 101-02 Parking Fines & FIS 205 Parking Permits & FIS 410-20 Payment of Fines
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1. Summary
1.1. Parking permits are required on OSU’s Corvallis and Cascades campuses.
1.2. OSU has the authority and responsibility to enact such rules and fines as are deemed necessary and desirable to provide for policing, controlling, regulating and enforcing traffic and parking of motor vehicles and bicycles on property owned by or under the control of the university.
1.3. All OSU employees and students who would be in a position of allocating revenue or expenses for the purposes of accounting for activities pertaining to university business related to parking permit sales or fines should be informed and understand this rule.
2. General Parking Requirements
2.1. Parking Permits
2.1.1. Parking permits are required on OSU’s Corvallis and Cascades campuses. Specific information about permit types can be found on the Transportation Services website.
2.1.2. In general, university funds may not be used to purchase parking permits for personally owned automobiles of employees.
2.1.3. University funds may be used for the following when supported by appropriate documentation and used in compliance with OSU and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Travel Policy guidelines:
a) Visitor permits for personally-owned automobiles of employees whose primary work location is not on or near either the Corvallis or Cascades campus. This is applicable when an employee is visiting one of these campuses to conduct university business on a temporary and infrequent basis.
b) Parking permits eligible for purchase with university funds as described on the Transportation Services website.
c) When an OSU-managed construction project temporarily displaces building occupants to an area of campus remote from their primary work location, construction project funds may be used to pay exchange fees and additional parking permit fees if needed to acquire a different parking permit closer to the temporary location for the duration or the project or the employee’s existing permit, whichever is shorter, as permit supplies allow and at the discretion of University Facilities Infrastructure and Operations. This provision only applies to impacted people who had parking permits prior to the beginning of construction.
2.2. Parking Fines
2.2.1. Specific information about the procedures related to parking fees and services can be found at Transportation Services (for Corvallis) or Cascades Parking (for Bend).
2.2.2. Parking fines are the responsibility of the driver and/or vehicle owner, except as provided in section 2.2.3.
2.2.3. University funds may not be used to pay parking fines, including fines assigned to university vehicles.
a) If the university owns the vehicle and the driver does not pay the fine, OSU may pay the fine (to an outside entity only) and charge the driver.
3. Responsibilities & Procedures
3.1. Income from parking permits and citations are deposited into separate accounts which form the Transportation Services parking fund.
3.2. If a permit is refunded, the refund comes from the income account for permits. The same applies to citations.
3.3. Outstanding Accounts Receivable (A/R) accounts are sent to Collections after 30 days.
4. Related Information
4.1. University Policy 03-100 Fiscal Policy Program Authority
4.2. Please refer to all other fiscal rules that may be applicable.
4.3. Please check with your unit/college for unit-level procedures related to this rule.
4.4. Following are other resources related to this policy:
4.4.1. University standard 07-025 Vehicle Use and Parking
4.4.2. Board Standard 580-040-0025
4.4.3. Oregon Revised Statute 352.087(1)(m)
4.5. Fiscal Policy Program Definitions of Terminology
4.6. Fiscal Policy Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
5. History
5.1. Original Issue Date: 01/2003 (FIS 101-02 Parking Fines & FIS 205 Parking Permits & FIS 410-20 Payment of Fines)
5.2. Last Version: 03/2016 (FIS 101-02 Parking Fines) & 12/2014 (FIS 205 Parking Permits & FIS 410-20 Payment of Fines)
5.3. Last Review Date: 01/2021
5.4. Next Scheduled Review Date: 01/2026
6. Contacts
6.1. Policy Steward: Manager of Analytical Operations
6.2. Program: Fiscal Policy Officer, Financial Accounting & Analysis
6.3. Link to full list of Fiscal Policy Program Contacts