Contact us if you have comments on sustainable investing considerations.

In support of the university's mission, the Treasury Office at Oregon State University is responsible for the safekeeping of financial resources through operations of the Internal Bank, oversight of cash management, investment management of operating funds, debt, compliance activities, financial partner relationships, and related processes, procedures, and controls.

The objectives are to:

  • efficiently and effectively carry out the treasury management function within the university;
  • facilitate the long-term financial stability of the university through effective asset/liability management strategies and optimizing the university’s capacity to access the capital markets at a reasonable cost; and 
  • accumulate unrestricted net assets for the university.

Oregon State University Deposits and Bank Accounts

  • Banking information is to only be distributed and managed by treasury operations staff. Please confirm any change requests before communicating bank details or making updates to your systems.
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank will cash Oregon State University checks at any branch without a service fee. Notice to the bank is required beforehand if the check is more than $2,500.
  • Employees are encouraged to use direct deposit as a convenient, timely, and secure option. You can find out more at


Other Questions or Request?


Phone: 541-737-2597

Office: Cashier's Office in Kerr Admin Building

Mail: PO Box 1086, Corvallis, Oregon 97339-1086