02.11K Debt/Investment Expense (288XX)
28802 Bond Principal Payment
Expenditures for principal retirement of bonds. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28803 Certificates of Participation (COPS) - Principal Payment
Debt service payments on Certificates of Participation (COPs) principal. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28804 Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) Principal Payment
Expenditures for payment of principal amounts on repayment of Oregon Department of Energy (ODE) Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) loans.
28805 Internal Bank Loan Principal Payment
Expenditures for payment of principal amounts on repayment of internal bank loans.
28808 SBITA Interest Expense
Account for interest expense related to Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITA) per GASB 96. This account is used exclusively by the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit.
28809 Loss on Investments
Actual loss on an investment that is recoded when the investment is sold. Equals the difference between the current Fair Market Value and the actual sale price.
28810 Interest Expense Miscellaneous
Expenditures for interest charges not otherwise classified (i.e. Treasury cash accounts).
28811 Interest Expense-Bond Debt Service
Expenditures for interest charges on bond debt service. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28812 Interest Expense - Certificates of Participation (COPs)
Expenditures for interest charges on Certificates of Participation (COPs). (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28813 Interest Expense - Small Energy Loan Program (SELP)
Expenditures for interest charges on Oregon Department of Energy (ODE) Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) loans.
28814 Interest Expense - Internal Bank Loans
Interest Exp - Internal Bank Loans
28815 Arbitrage Rebate
Payments to the Internal Revenue Service for interest earned in excess of allowable interest earnings on individual bond series or on certificate of participation (COPs) issues. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28816 Penalty Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate
Payments to the Internal Revenue Service as forfeitures for failure to expend bond or certificate of participation proceeds within the time period specified for each issue. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28817 Interest Expense Public University Fund (PUF) Earnings Distribution
Interest expenses distributed to OSU from the Public University Fund (PUF) when individual funds' average balance for the quarter is negative. This account code should only be used by the University Shared Services Enterprise (USSE) Office.
28819 Interest Expense - Leases
To record interest expense in the central reporting fund on lease liabilities that meet GASB 87 criteria and OSU is the lessee. This account is used exclusively by the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit.
28820 Investment Premium Amortization
The portion of an investment premium that is periodically applied (credited) to the investment in order for the investment to be reduced to face value at maturity.
28821 Certificates of Participation (COPS) Discount Premium
The difference below/above par value when Certificates of Participation (COPS) are sold. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28830 Contributions to Certificates of Participation (COPS) Debt Service
Use with Budgeted Operations, Service Department and Auxiliary Enterprise funds to record debt service contributions. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28831 Contributions to Sinking Fund
Use with Auxiliary Enterprise funds to record Sinking Fund contributions (see account code 05215 - Sinking Fund Contributions). (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28840 Investment Administrative Expense
To record investment administrative expense charged by a manager of specific investments in the endowment funds. This account code does not include general administrative fees associated with all investments, such as management consulting or legal fees originating from the State Treasurer's Office. For financial reporting purposes, investment admnistrative fees are reported as a reduction of investment income.