02.13 Student Aid (50000-59999)
51101 Scholarships
Expenditures from money received for scholarship use.
52102 Graduate Fellowships
Expenditures from funds that have been awarded as fellowships for any type of financial assistance to graduate students.
52103 Post Doctoral Fellowships
Expenditures from funds that have been awarded as fellowships for any type of financial assistance to post-doctoral students.
52104 Miscellaneous Fellowships
Expenditures for fellowships that cannot otherwise be classified.
53102 Tuition Grants-In-Aid
Expenditures from grant-in-aid funds for tuition and fee charges by the institution.
53103 Books Grants-In-Aid
Expenditures from grant-in-aid funds for required books.
53104 Room & Board Grants-In-Aid On Campus
Expenditures from grant-in-aid funds for room and board charges incurred by students for on campus housing.
53109 Miscellaneous Grants-In-Aid
Expenditures from grant-in-aid funds that cannot otherwise be classified. An example is a direct payment to a student for small personal items, a "miscellaneous allowance."
55102 Stipends
Expenditures in the form of subsistence allowances paid to student participants engaged in sponsored programs. This type of expenditure is usually made to someone covered by a grant or contract. The payment is not a salary or wage and is made primarily to defray general living expenses.
55104 Tuition/Fee Payment for Participant
Expenditures for tuition or fee charges for the student's registration in an OUS institution or enrollment or participation in a course, program, seminar or conference.
55105 Travel Payment for Participant
Payments made on behalf of student participants for travel in connection with the objective of the fund grant. This code applies to transportation, meals, lodging and other travel expenses. Use this code even when travel is included as a part of the registration fee for a course or conference.
55106 Book Allowance for Participant
Payments made to a student participant, either as a book allowance or reimbursement of an expenditure.
55107 Room & Board for Participant
Expenditures for room and board covering charges incurred by student participants in sponsored programs. This code covers group support, for which individual identification may not be practical.
55108 Group Activities
Expenditures for cultural and recreational activities of student participants in sponsored programs. This code covers group support, for which individual identification may not be practical. It also covers the cost of food, lodging, travel, admission fees, service fees and equipment rental fees.
55109 Medical & Dental Payment for Participant
Expenditures for health care by licensed practitioners for student participant care, whether or not the patient is confined to a hospital or infirmary. This code covers expenditures for medication, laboratory fees and analyses.
55110 Miscellaneous Participant Support
Expenditures from student participant support funds that cannot otherwise be classified.
55111 Childcare Payment for Participant
Expenditures for licensed childcare incurred by participants under training and research programs. The expenditure must be documented by receipts.
59101 Other Student Aid
Expenditures made on behalf of students from sources that are not scholarships, fellowships, grants in aid, fee waivers or participant support funds and that represent a form of student aid that cannot otherwise be classified.