* This information replaces FIS 407-08 Travel Advances
When traveling on official University business, OSU employees (faculty and classified staff employed at least 0.5 FTE), Graduate assistants (appointed at .3 FTE), students and official volunteers may be eligible for travel advances. The minimum $250 advance from the appropriate Business Center may be used for items that cannot be pre-paid or paid through other means such as a direct bill.
To be eligible for an advance, the trip must meet the following criteria:
- Trip is five days or longer, and
- Any previous advances have been settled in full.
The Business Center has authority to grant exceptions to the above criteria on a case-by-case basis.
Travelers who are not eligible for a travel advance may be given a departmental advance if a department head or supervisor guarantees it on behalf of the non-eligible traveler. The employee guaranteeing the advance takes full responsibility to see that the advance funds are settled or repaid in full.
Procedure – To submit an advance request, complete the Travel Advance Request Form and submit it to the appropriate Business Center at least five working days prior to the date the advance is needed.
After the advance is prepared, the employee responsible for the advance is required to sign a statement acknowledging the receipt of the advance. The employee’s photo identification is required when picking up the check from the Business Center. The advance will not be released more than seven days before the departure date.
Settlement of advance is due within 60 days of the completion of the travel and approved use. A copy of the Travel Advance Request Form must be submitted to the Business Center with the Travel Reimbursement Request. The traveler is reimbursed for the expenses less any amount advanced. If the total of the Travel Reimbursement Request is less than the amount advanced, the responsible party will be notified of the differenceand repayment to the university is due in full at that time.
If the trip is cancelled or if employment is terminated, any advance that was given is due and must be immediately returned.
Failure to comply with settlement procedures may result in disciplinary action against the employee. Any past due balances will be turned over to Payroll to be deducted or witheld from the employee's wages or other amounts due to OSU. This may affect the person's ability to receive future advances.