Operating Ledger Account Codes
Services and Supplies (includes Travel) (20000-39999)
Code | Title | |
28605 | Conference Events |
Costs of optional conference events not included as part of the basic conference fee. These costs may include meals, parties and special trips. Use this code for recording event expenses incurred when hosting a conference. (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary) |
28606 | Conference Facilities (tax reportable) |
Costs of rental of conference facilities. Use this code for recording facility rental expenses incurred when hosting a conference. Also includes rental of AV equipment and other items required for the conference. (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary) |
28610 | Entertainment |
Costs incurred for amusement, diversion, social activities entertainment and any related items (e.g., tickets to shows or sporting events, meals, lodging, rentals, transportation and gratuities). (See account code 28612 - Hosting Groups and Guests.) |
28611 | Food & Refreshments |
Expenditures for non-alcoholic beverages and food served at business, instructional or informational meetings where attendees are OSU employees. This includes formal training, staff retreats and employee working meals. Appropriate business purpose and justification for serving food at the function is required. Meals or refreshments for regularly scheduled departmental meetings are not allowable expenses. |
28612 | Hosting Groups & Guests |
Authorized expenditures for non-alcoholic beverages and food served in connection with the hosting of group gatherings or official guests of the institution for purposes of instruction and technical information dissemination. This includes faculty/staff/student recruiting, hosting of visiting scientists and guest speakers, advisory board meetings, and focus group sessions. Similar expenses for OSU-sponsored conferences are charged to account code 28603 or 28604 (Conference Meals or Refreshments). See Fiscal Policy Manual 410-05 Hosting Groups and Official Guests for further information and definitions. |
28613 | Public Relations/Fund Raising |
This account includes costs of events and activities associated with efforts to generate university resources and engage in institutional promotional activities and with public relations. All fundraising, public relations and other community activity costs are posted to this account. Expenses posted to this account code relate to activities having the purpose of generating revenue/business from non-exchange transactions, i.e., gifts, donations, developmental funds and similar sources of revenue. Note: Expenses that fall under this account code that are expected to be reimbursed by OSUF, must be sent to the foundation as a direct payment request. |
28614 | Event Tickets |
Expenditures for event tickets purchased from departments within the institution, for example tickets to shows or sporting events. |
28620 | Non-Stipend Room & Board |
Payments to families, rooming houses and dormitories on behalf of students for room and board charges that are direct program costs rather than student aid. Use this code when a lump-sum program fee includes room and board (e.g., overseas studies). |
28630 | Non OSU Participant Support - Tuition/Registration |
Participant support for non-OSU students and employees for tuition or registration fees paid to non-OSU entities and are supported by receipts. |
28631 | Non OSU Participant Support - Other |
Miscellaneous participant support costs for non-OSU students and employees documented by receipts. Do not use this code for expenditures related to tuition, registration fees, room & board, books and travel related expenditures. (see specific 2863x accounts for these expenditures). |
28632 | Non OSU Participant Support - Non-Resident Alien (tax reportable) |
Non-OSU, Non-Resident Alien participant support costs that are not documented by receipts. Code covers tuition and registrations fees, stipends, room and board, and book allowances. It excludes travel. Transactions are 1042S reportable. |
28633 | Non OSU Participant Support - Book Allowance |
Payments made to a non-OSU participant, either as a book allowance or reimbursement of expenditures to buy books. Expenditures must be supported by receipts. |
28634 | Non OSU Participant Support - Room & Board |
Expenditures for room and board covering charges incurred by non-OSU participants under training or research programs. The expenditure must be documented by receipts. |
28635 | Non OSU Participant Support - Travel Payment |
Payments made on behalf of non-OSU participants for travel in connection with the objective of the fund grant. This code applies to transportation, meals, lodging, and miscellaneous travel expenses. Expenses must be documented with receipts. |
28636 | Non OSU Participant Support - No Receipts (tax reportable) |
Non-OSU participant support costs that are not documented by receipts. Code includes tuition and registration fees, stipends, room and board, and book allowances. Transactions are 1099 reportable. |
28637 | Non OSU Participant Support - Foreign Source |
Non-OSU, Non-Resident Alien participant support costs that are not documented by receipts. The participant never entered the United States so the payment is considered "Foreign Source Income". Code includes tuition and registration fees, stipends, room and board, and book allowances. |
28638 | Non-OSU Participant Support - Childcare |
Expenditures for licensed childcare incurred by non-OSU participants under training or research programs. The expenditure must be documented by receipts. |
28650 | Trade Show/Event Fees |
Expenditures related to participation in trade shows and similar events. Expenses include booth registration fees and associated costs. |
28699 | Other Conference/Entertainment Expenses |
Expenses for conference and entertainment costs not otherwise specified. |
Code | Title | |
28701 | Insurance |
Expenditures for insurance premiums, including life insurance, fire insurance, health insurance, hazard insurance, liability insurance, etc. Excludes Insurance Fund property assessments (see account code 28061 (Property - Insurance Fund)). |
28703 | Taxes & Licenses |
Payments made for taxes and licenses. Sales or excise taxes that are part of the purchase of materials or services are not segregated and charged to this code. |
28704 | Medical Insurance-Nonemployee |
Payments made for medical insurance coverage for non-employees (i.e. athletic or event insurance). |
28705 | Liability Insurance-Private Carrier |
Payments made to a private carrier for liability insurance. |
28706 | Insurance Benefits - Non-Employee (Non-Reportable) (tax reportable) |
Payments made on behalf of non-employee subject workers for non-tax reportable insurance benefits. |
28710 | Credit Card Discounts |
Discounts charged when payment is accepted by credit card. |
28711 | Bad Debt Expense |
Accounts Receivable amounts written off as uncollectible or amounts charged to establish a provision for bad debts. |
28713 | Settlement In Lieu of Litigation |
This payment is not subject to withholding nor included as gross income to the recipients under Internal Revenue Code Section 104. |
28714 | Settlement as Result of Litigation (tax reportable) |
For payments as the result of litigation. This account code is to be used whether or not the attorney is the exclusive payee (e.g. attorney's and claimant's names are on one check). This amount is included on form 1099, box 14 "Gross Proceeds Paid to Attorney". |
28716 | Risk Management Claims Reimbursement (tax reportable) |
Reimbursements paid on risk insurance claims and settlement on behalf of OSU. These payments are either made directly by OSU or to a Third Party Administrator (TPA). Not to be used for Fees charged to the TPA, fees are tax reportable and accounted for on account 24599. |
28721 | Loss On Disposal of Asset |
For losses incurred when an asset is sold at less than book value, which includes the purchase price, fees, taxes and other charges related to the purchase. |
28723 | Inventory Adjustment/Write-Off |
To record expense or negative expense to adjust book inventory to actual physical inventory, or to write off inventory losses. (See FASOM 08.04: Fixed Assets -- Expendable Property) |
28725 | Trademark/Patent Registration Fee |
Expenses directly related to the filing and registration of intellectual property such as trademarks, copyrights, plant protection, and patents. |
28730 | Medical Insurance Domestic Students |
Payments made for medical insurance coverage for domestic students. |
28731 | Medical Insurance International Students |
Payments made for medical insurance coverage for international students. |
Code | Title | |
28802 | Bond Principal Payment |
Expenditures for principal retirement of bonds. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28803 | Certificates of Participation (COPS) - Principal Payment |
Debt service payments on Certificates of Participation (COPs) principal. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28804 | Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) Principal Payment |
Expenditures for payment of principal amounts on repayment of Oregon Department of Energy (ODE) Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) loans. |
28805 | Internal Bank Loan Principal Payment |
Expenditures for payment of principal amounts on repayment of internal bank loans. |
28808 | SBITA Interest Expense |
Account for interest expense related to Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITA) per GASB 96. This account is used exclusively by the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit. |
28809 | Loss on Investments |
Actual loss on an investment that is recoded when the investment is sold. Equals the difference between the current Fair Market Value and the actual sale price. |
28810 | Interest Expense Miscellaneous |
Expenditures for interest charges not otherwise classified (i.e. Treasury cash accounts). |
28811 | Interest Expense-Bond Debt Service |
Expenditures for interest charges on bond debt service. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28812 | Interest Expense - Certificates of Participation (COPs) |
Expenditures for interest charges on Certificates of Participation (COPs). (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28813 | Interest Expense - Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) |
Expenditures for interest charges on Oregon Department of Energy (ODE) Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) loans. |
28814 | Interest Expense - Internal Bank Loans |
Interest Exp - Internal Bank Loans |
28815 | Arbitrage Rebate |
Payments to the Internal Revenue Service for interest earned in excess of allowable interest earnings on individual bond series or on certificate of participation (COPs) issues. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28816 | Penalty Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate |
Payments to the Internal Revenue Service as forfeitures for failure to expend bond or certificate of participation proceeds within the time period specified for each issue. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28817 | Interest Expense Public University Fund (PUF) Earnings Distribution |
Interest expenses distributed to OSU from the Public University Fund (PUF) when individual funds' average balance for the quarter is negative. This account code should only be used by the University Shared Services Enterprise (USSE) Office. |
28819 | Interest Expense - Leases |
To record interest expense in the central reporting fund on lease liabilities that meet GASB 87 criteria and OSU is the lessee. This account is used exclusively by the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit. |
28820 | Investment Premium Amortization |
The portion of an investment premium that is periodically applied (credited) to the investment in order for the investment to be reduced to face value at maturity. |
28821 | Certificates of Participation (COPS) Discount Premium |
The difference below/above par value when Certificates of Participation (COPS) are sold. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28830 | Contributions to Certificates of Participation (COPS) Debt Service |
Use with Budgeted Operations, Service Department and Auxiliary Enterprise funds to record debt service contributions. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28831 | Contributions to Sinking Fund |
Use with Auxiliary Enterprise funds to record Sinking Fund contributions (see account code 05215 - Sinking Fund Contributions). (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.) |
28840 | Investment Administrative Expense |
To record investment administrative expense charged by a manager of specific investments in the endowment funds. This account code does not include general administrative fees associated with all investments, such as management consulting or legal fees originating from the State Treasurer's Office. For financial reporting purposes, investment admnistrative fees are reported as a reduction of investment income. |
Code | Title | |
28901 | Dues and Memberships - Program |
Expenses for dues and memberships of administrative units or positions within organizations related to program operations. For costs associated with professional association memberships paid for training purposes or benefits, see account code 29005 - Membership - Professional Organization - Training. |
28902 | Membership in Civic/Community Organizations |
Costs for membership in civic or community organizations such as Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, etc. For costs associated with professional association memberships paid for training purposes or benefits, see account code 29005 - Membership - Professional Organization - Training. |
28903 | Accreditation Fees |
For recording accreditation fees. |
28910 | Fines & Penalties |
Costs resulting from violations of, or failure to comply with, federal, state, local or foreign laws and regulations. |
28911 | Late Charge, Vendor Payments |
Expenditures for overdue account charges to vendors. |
28920 | Athletic Guarantees |
Contracted guarantees and gate receipt shares paid to visiting teams. |
28921 | Entry Fee-Competitors |
Expenditures for entry or registration fees required of participants for competitive events. The fee may be for individuals or a team. |
28931 | Selling & Marketing Costs |
Costs of selling or marketing products or services related to intellectual property or generating unrelated business income. |
28935 | Mailing List Purchase |
Cost of purchase of mailing lists that target specific populations. |
28990 | Withdrawals & Advances |
Amounts withdrawn from a deposit account by the depositor or any other person authorized to make withdrawals (see account code 06993 - Deposits). Funds on deposit may include student damage deposits, special camp fees which may be refunded, or student funds held on deposit for later disbursement. |
28994 | Reimbursement of Services & Supplies Expenses to Employees |
Reimbursement to employee of out-of-pocket expense for business related services and supplies. Expenses for equipment and travel costs are not allowed. For purchase of minor equipment see 202xx series of accounts. |
28995 | Procurement Card Purchases |
Expenditures for purchases made through the use of a procurement card. (See FASOM Section 13.11 for policies regulating the use of procurement cards.) |
28996 | Taxable Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements (tax reportable) |
Reimbursements to employees for expenses (other than travel) that are subject to taxation and must be reported on the employee's W-2. |
28997 | INTO Expenditure Offset |
This account code should be used for INTO transactions only. It is intended to clear or zero out all INTO incurred expenses at the time of each quarterly billing. INTO expenses are not reflected on OSU's financial statements. |
28999 | Miscellaneous Services & Supplies |
Expenditures that cannot otherwise be classified. This code is used primarily when an expenditure does not fit one of the following categories: supplies, communications, utilities, maintenance, rentals or services. |
Code | Title | |
29001 | Training - Books and Publications |
Costs of books, publications, and other printed material used for employee training. |
29005 | Membership - Professional Organization Training |
Expenditures for dues or membership fees that result from participation in a professional association when the association is joined specifically for the training opportunities available through the association. (For associations joined for other than training benefit reasons see 28901 - Dues and membership - Program, or 28902 - Membership in Civic/Community Organizations.) |
29010 | Training-Supplies |
Cost of supplies used in conducting employee training. |
29020 | Training-Equipment (Non-Capitalized) |
Minor equipment purchase for use in employee training. |
29030 | Training - Employee Online |
Cost of Ed-Net facilities and services incurred for employee training. |
29040 | Training-Tuition/Registration Employee |
Tuition and registration fees incurred for employee training. |
29050 | In-House Training |
Costs of services and other expenses associated with employee training conducted on site or otherwise considered to be in house and conducted by an OSU employee. |
29051 | Inter-Agency Training - Education Instruction Service |
Costs associated with employee training conducted by another agency of the State of Oregon other than OSU. |
29052 | Outside Training - Education Instruction Service |
Costs associated with employee training services provided by an outside instructor, consultant or service. |
Code | Title | |
38999 | Transfer to: Other State Agencies |
Transfer to Other State Agencies |
Code | Title | |
39115 | Employee Travel - Domestic |
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels within the U.S. for the benefit of the department or institution. |
39117 | Non-Employee Travel - Domestic |
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels within the U.S. for the benefit of the department or institution. (OSU-specific) |
39119 | Group Travel - Domestic |
Travel expenses incurred when an academic class takes a field trip or an athletic team travels to a sports event for competition within the U.S. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches) and students (class members, participants, or players). Note: This account cannot be used when all participants are employees. |
39615 | Foreign Employee Program Travel |
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels out of the United States for the benefit of the department or institution. |
39645 | Foreign Non-Employee Program Travel |
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels out of the United States for the benefit of the department or institution. |
39646 | Foreign Group Travel |
This code should be used for group travel to, from, or within a foreign country. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches) and students (class members, participants, or players). Note: This account cannot be used when all participants are employees. |
39712 | Employee Travel - Taxable |
Employee Travel - Taxable (W-2 Subject) |
39742 | Non-Employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable) |
Non-employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable) |
Code | Title | |
39002 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant A up to/including $25k |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant A up to/incl $25k |
39902 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant A up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant A up to/incl $25k |
39903 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant B up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant B up to/incl $25K |
39904 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant C up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant C up to/incl $25K |
39905 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant D up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant D up to/incl $25K |
39906 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant E up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant E up to/incl $25K |
39907 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant F up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant F up to/incl $25K |
39908 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant G up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant G up to/incl $25K |
39909 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant H up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant H up to/incl $25K |
39910 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant <=$25K prior July-01 |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant up to/incl $25K prior to July 1, 2001 |
39911 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant I up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant I up to/incl $25K |
39912 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant J up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant J up to/incl $25K |
39913 | Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant K up to/including $25K |
Sub-contract/Sub-grant K up to/incl $25K |