Effective: 07/01/1995


FIS Acronym Definition
A/R Accounts Receivable
ACH Automated Clearing House
ARF Ag Research Foundation
BUC Building Use Credits
COP Certificate of Participation
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
ES Extension Service
F&A Facilities and Administrative Rate
FIS Financial Information System and Fiscal Operations Manual
FOAPAL 6 Chart of Account Elements in FIS
GASB Government Accounting and Standards Board
GL General Ledger
IPEDS Integrated Post Secondary Educational Data System Survey
IRS Internal Revenue Service
MTDC Modified Total Direct Cost
NSF Non-sufficient Funds
OJGSC Oregon Joint Graduate School
OMB Federal Office of Management and Budget
OPAL Operating Ledger
OPAS Organization Prior Approval System
ORG Organization
OSAC Oregon Student Assistance Commission
OSUF OSU Foundation
PAR Personal Activity Reports
SEOG Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
SOILS Set Off Individual Liability
UBIT Unrelated Business Income Tax
WICHE Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
WRGP Western Regional Graduate Program
WUE Western Undergraduate Exchange