Effective: 03/01/2002


Program Codes Decision Tree

Activity or responsibility: Dean or Department Head

Options:  Depends on the area of responsibility

  • A Dean who also teaches a class – Salary is split between INSTRUCTION and DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION according to the percentage of time spent on each function.
  • Department head receives an administrative stipend in addition to teaching a class – The portion of the salary that is administrative stipend must be charged 100% to DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.  Regular salary is split between INSTRUCTION and DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION in accordance with the percent of time spent on each function.

Activity:  Take a trip

Options:  Depends on the Primary purpose of the trip

  • To present a paper on progress of sponsored research – RESEARCH (Sponsored dollars or cost share)
  • To present a paper regarding unsponsored research – INSTRUCTION AND DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH.
  • To attend a conference for professional development that benefits department activities – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.
  • To meet with a potential sponsor to provide information – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.
  • Travel to look at a facility as part of the planning process for construction of new facilities – PHYSICAL PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE.
  • Meet with alumni or potential donors. This is fund raising.  Cost should be submitted directly to the OSU Foundation.

Activity:  Researcher on a federally funded project invites graduates of her department to dinner to recognize their work in the technical area of her project.

  • This is an alumni activity. Any request for reimbursement should be submitted directly to the OSU Foundation.

Activity:  Prepare and send handouts to Printing

Options:  Depends on the Primary purpose for the handouts.

  • If syllabi or other class materials for teaching or training activities of the university – INSTRUCTION.
  • If handouts to be distributed at University Training Days–GENERAL ADMINISTRATION.

Activity:  Purchase periodicals

Options:  Depends for whom the periodicals are purchased.

  • Periodicals to be located in the Valley Library or the Guinn Library at Hatfield Marine Science Center – LIBRARIES.
  • Periodicals to be located in a departmental library – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.

Activity:  Payment of telephone charges

Options:  Depends on the primary purpose for the telephone calls.

  • If long distance telephone charges can be identified to one specific activity or program, or can be reasonably prorated between programs or activities – RESEARCH, OTHER SPONSORED ACTIVITIES, INSTRUCTION
  • If the charges cannot be specifically identified to an activity or program or reasonably prorated – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.

Note:  All telephone unit and line charges are DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION

Activity: Clerical support

Options:  Depends on the primary purpose of the support.

  • Full time support to develop survey documents for a sponsored research project – RESEARCH.
  • Full time clerical support for development of instructional materials – INSTRUCTION
  • General clerical support for various departmental activities – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION

Activity: Advertising and Public Relations

Options:  Depends on the primary purpose of the advertising.

  • If a researcher advertises for a technical writer to assist in writing the quarterly report to the agency that granted the funds – RESEARCH.
  • A college wants to put on a fair to display various research projects and activities being undertaken in the department, and will hire students to put together the displays – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.