Effective: 03/01/2002
Program Codes Decision Tree
Activity or responsibility: Dean or Department Head
Options: Depends on the area of responsibility
A Dean who also teaches a class – Salary is split between INSTRUCTION and DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION according to the percentage of time spent on each function.
Department head receives an administrative stipend in addition to teaching a class – The portion of the salary that is administrative stipend must be charged 100% to DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION. Regular salary is split between INSTRUCTION and DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION in accordance with the percent of time spent on each function.
Activity: Take a trip
Options: Depends on the Primary purpose of the trip
To present a paper on progress of sponsored research – RESEARCH (Sponsored dollars or cost share)
To present a paper regarding unsponsored research – INSTRUCTION AND DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH.
To attend a conference for professional development that benefits department activities – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.
To meet with a potential sponsor to provide information – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.
Travel to look at a facility as part of the planning process for construction of new facilities – PHYSICAL PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE.
Meet with alumni or potential donors. This is fund raising. Cost should be submitted directly to the OSU Foundation.
Activity: Researcher on a federally funded project invites graduates of her department to dinner to recognize their work in the technical area of her project.
This is an alumni activity. Any request for reimbursement should be submitted directly to the OSU Foundation.
Activity: Prepare and send handouts to Printing
Options: Depends on the Primary purpose for the handouts.
If syllabi or other class materials for teaching or training activities of the university – INSTRUCTION.
If handouts to be distributed at University Training Days–GENERAL ADMINISTRATION.
Activity: Purchase periodicals
Options: Depends for whom the periodicals are purchased.
Periodicals to be located in the Valley Library or the Guinn Library at Hatfield Marine Science Center – LIBRARIES.
Periodicals to be located in a departmental library – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.
Activity: Payment of telephone charges
Options: Depends on the primary purpose for the telephone calls.
If long distance telephone charges can be identified to one specific activity or program, or can be reasonably prorated between programs or activities – RESEARCH, OTHER SPONSORED ACTIVITIES, INSTRUCTION
If the charges cannot be specifically identified to an activity or program or reasonably prorated – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.
Note: All telephone unit and line charges are DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION
Activity: Clerical support
Options: Depends on the primary purpose of the support.
Full time support to develop survey documents for a sponsored research project – RESEARCH.
Full time clerical support for development of instructional materials – INSTRUCTION
General clerical support for various departmental activities – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION
Activity: Advertising and Public Relations
Options: Depends on the primary purpose of the advertising.
If a researcher advertises for a technical writer to assist in writing the quarterly report to the agency that granted the funds – RESEARCH.
A college wants to put on a fair to display various research projects and activities being undertaken in the department, and will hire students to put together the displays – DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION.