FUND Title or Type
Responsible College/Unit
Business Center
001100 |
ZAR - OSU General Fund Operations |
Business Affairs, except shown below |
001100 |
ZAR - OSU General Fund Operations |
Facilities - Acct A3154 |
001100 |
ZAR - OSU General Fund Operations |
Facilities - Acct A4010 |
001100 |
ZAR - OSU General Fund Operations |
Facilities - Acct A5003 |
001100 |
ZAR - OSU General Fund Operations |
Facilities - Acct B0190 |
001110 |
QBA - Accounts Payable Mgmt Fund |
Business Affairs/Accounts Payable |
001115 |
ZAR - Technology Resource Fee (TRF) |
IS & Individual Departments |
Univ Admin BC |
001120 |
QBA - Dir Bus Affairs Mgmt Fund |
Business Affairs/Student Finance |
001130 |
ZAR - General Accounting Mgmt Fund |
Business Affairs/Student Finance |
001131 |
ZAR - Yr End Summer Rev Mgmt Fund |
Budget Office & Business Affairs |
001140 |
QBA - Payroll Mgmt Fund |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
001145 |
ZAR - Equipment Allocation Fund |
Research Office & Individual colleges |
001151 |
INT - International Ed OUS |
International Prog |
Univ Admin BC |
001171 |
MSA - Pre-College Programs Ops |
Student Services |
Univ Admin BC |
001184 |
RSG - Sea Grant Seafood Mar Adv |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
001221 |
VMD - Vet Med Research VMAIL SF |
Veterinary Medicine |
Health Sci BC |
001222 |
VDL - Vet Diagnostic Lab Operations |
Veterinary Medicine |
Health Sci BC |
001223 |
VTH - Vet Teaching Hospital Operations |
Veterinary Medicine |
Health Sci BC |
001224 |
VMD - Vet Med Special Project Fund |
Veterinary Medicine |
Health Sci BC |
001231 |
FOR - Forestry Special Project Fund |
Forestry |
001241 |
CLA - Liberal Arts Special Project |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
001251 |
SCI - Science Special Project Fund |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
001261 |
OAS - Gap Funds |
001262 |
OAS - COAS Special Project |
001263 |
OAS - COAS Computing Services |
001301 |
ENG - Engineering Special Project |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
001321 |
HHS - Health/Human Sci Special Project |
Health Sci BC |
001401 |
ZAR - OUS System-Wide Gen Fund Ops |
Budget Office |
Univ Admin BC |
001501 |
AAR - Sustainable Rural Comm Initiative |
Agricultural Science |
001502 |
RDR - Comp/Genome Biology Initiative |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
001503 |
RDR - Water/Watersheds Initiative |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
001504 |
SGO - Ecosystem Informatics Initiative |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
001505 |
EBE - Subsurface Biosphere Initiative |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
001506 |
HHS - Center/Healthy Aging Research |
Health Sci BC |
0016xx |
Engineering Funds (OMI) |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
0018xx |
LCB - OSU Cascades |
Cascades campus |
Univ Admin BC |
001998 |
ZAR - Deposits - General Operations |
Business Affairs/Bursar, except below |
001998 |
ZAR - Deposits - General Operations |
Business Services - Acct B4914 plans |
001998 |
ZAR - Deposits - General Operations |
Facilities - Acct B4001 Key Shop |
001998 |
ZAR - Deposits - General Operations |
Forestry - Acct B4003 keys |
005001 |
ZAR - CS National Sci Fdn |
Business Affairs/OSRAA |
005002 |
ZAR - CS PNW GRA Fee Rem |
Budget Office & BA/OSRAA |
005xxx |
Cost Share (E&G) |
individual Departments |
006xxx |
Engineering Funds (ETIC) |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
006xxx |
ETIC Funds (non-Engineering) |
Individual Departments |
008121 |
JIS - D/D Campbell Library Endowed Chair |
Library |
Univ Admin BC |
008151 |
RDR - S/F Stewart Gene Res Endowed Chair |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
008152 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Endow Match |
Agricultural Science |
008153 |
RDR - Linus Pauling End Ch Match |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
008154 |
RMS - Markham Endow Director Match |
Research Centers/Inst (HMSC) |
008211 |
AGD - Ott Endow Poultry Sci Instr |
Agricultural Science |
008212 |
AGD - Jacobsroot End Prof Match |
Agricultural Science |
008213 |
AGD - NorWest Endow Prof Match |
Agricultural Science |
008214 |
AGD - Bag-Fraz Endow Prof Match |
Agricultural Science |
008215 |
AGD - P.C. Berger Endow Prof Match |
Agricultural Science |
008216 |
AGD - Hyslop Professorship Endow |
Agricultural Science |
008231 |
FOR - Richardson Forestry Endowment |
Forestry |
008232 |
FOR - Starker Cameron Endowed Chair |
Forestry |
008233 |
FOR - Richardson Chair 1 Match |
Forestry |
008234 |
FOR - Richardson Chair 2 Match |
Forestry |
008235 |
FOR - Richardson Chair 3 Match |
Forestry |
008241 |
CLA - Horning Humanities Endowed Chair |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
008242 |
CLA - English Endowed Professor |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
008243 |
CLA - Hundere Philosophy Endowed Chair |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
008251 |
SMB - Pernot Endw Prof Microbiology |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
008252 |
SZO - Valley Marine Bio Endowed Chair |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
008253 |
SZO - Rice Endow System Entomology |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
008261 |
OAS - Rohm Ocean Endowed Chair |
008271 |
BUS - Sara Hart Kimball Endowed Chair |
Business |
Business & Engineering BC |
008272 |
BUS - Family Business Program Endowment |
Business |
Business & Engineering BC |
008301 |
EMM - Boeing Mech Engineering Endowed Prof |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
008302 |
ECC - Construction Ed Endow Match |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
008303 |
EMM - Welty Professorship Endow Match |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
008304 |
ECB - L. Pauling Chem Engineering Endow |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
008311 |
HHS - Knudson Family Policy Endowed Chair |
Health Sci BC |
008312 |
HHS - Petersen Geront Chair Match |
Health Sci BC |
010000 |
TCE - Summer Session |
Ecampus |
Univ Admin BC |
013000 |
HRIS Pay Deferral Fund |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
013001 |
SEIU Deferred Pay |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
0160xx |
Continuing Ed funds |
Ecampus |
Univ Admin BC |
0165xx |
International Program funds |
International Prog |
Univ Admin BC |
0300xxx |
AGA - Ag Exp Station |
Agricultural Science |
030xxx |
Cost Share (AES) |
Individual Departments |
0340xx |
TEX - Extension Service |
Extension Service |
Univ Admin BC |
0341xx |
Extension County funds |
Extension units |
Univ Admin BC |
0343xx |
TEX - EXT Smith/Lever funds |
Extension Service |
Univ Admin BC |
034xxx |
Cost Share (Extension) |
Individual Departments |
Univ Admin BC |
037xxx |
FOR - Forest Res Lab funds |
Forestry |
037xxx |
Cost Share (FRL) |
Individual Departments |
05xxxx |
Designated Operating funds |
Individual Departments |
060005 |
ACS - Wheat Research Endowment Income |
Agricultural Science |
060007 |
ZAR - Helene H Marshall Endow Inc |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
060008 |
ZAR - OSU Discretionary Gifts |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
060009 |
ZAR - Klopfenstein Endow Fund Inc |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
060010 |
ZAR - Lucile C Foster Scholarship |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
060011 |
ZAR - Mary J L McDonald Fellow |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
060012 |
RDR - H H Wakeham Scholarship |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
060013 |
ZAR - EA Silver Endow Earnings |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
065xxx |
Invention Funds |
Individual Departments |
066xxx |
Invention Funds |
Individual Departments |
067xxx |
Tech transfer royalties |
Research Office/Tech Transfer |
Univ Admin BC |
069980 |
Compensated Absences Accrual Fund |
Business Affairs/FAA |
090004 |
JIS - Telephone Switch Service |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090008 |
QBA - Campus ID System |
Business Affairs/ID Center |
Univ Admin BC |
090009 |
RDR - Laboratory Animal Serv |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
090015 |
JIS - Inter-Institute Telecom Net |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090016 |
JIS - Capital Center Network Service |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090017 |
JIS - Inter-Institute Rev-Based Ops |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090018 |
JIS - Desktop Support Services |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090019 |
JIS - ATLAS Operations |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090020 |
JIS - Adv Media Presentation Service |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
090021 |
RDR - Mass Spec Service Center |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
090212 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Inst Vessels |
Agricultural Science |
090221 |
VMD - Animal Isolation Lab |
Veterinary Medicine |
Health Sci BC |
090235 |
FOR - Quantitative Science LAN Service |
Forestry |
090250 |
SCI - Software Licensing |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
090254 |
SCH - Chemistry Stores |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
090259 |
SST - Statistical Services |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
090372 |
QBS - OSU Motor Pool |
Business Services |
090373 |
QBS - Surplus Property |
Business Services |
090374 |
QBS - Printing and Mailing |
Business Services |
095013 |
ZAR - DAS Assessment Clearing |
Business Affairs/FAA |
095217 |
QBA - Payroll Clearing |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
095409 |
QBA - Affiliated Foundations Clearing |
Business Affairs/Bursar |
095455 |
RTT - Tech Transfer Clearing |
Research Office/Tech Transfer |
095466 |
QBA - Indirect Costs Clearing |
Budget Office and OSRAA |
095467 |
QBA - Undistributed GRA/GTA Fee Rem Ac Yr |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
095468 |
QBA - Undistributed GRA/GTA Fee Rem Summ |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
095469 |
QBA - FIS Institution Clearing |
Business Affairs/Accounts Payable |
095491 |
ZAR - HRIS No Pay Default Clearing |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
095601 |
QBA - Procurement Card Clearing |
Business Affairs/Accounts Payable |
095860 |
HRIS Net Payroll Clearing |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
095870 |
HRIS Fringe Payroll Clearing |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
095880 |
Sale of Asset-Undistributed Inc Clearing |
Business Services |
101xxx |
MHD - Housing and Residence |
Housing/Dining |
102xxx |
MHD - University Cooperative Housing |
Housing/Dining |
103xxx |
MHD - Orchard Court Housing |
Housing/Dining |
103002 |
FOR - Forestry Dwelling Rental |
Forestry |
103004 |
RMS - HMSC Housing |
103008 |
MHD - Family Housing |
Housing/Dining |
104001 |
MHD - College Inn |
Housing/Dining |
110101 |
MSA - Child Care Center |
Student Affairs |
110102 |
MSA - Intercultural Student Resources |
Student Affairs |
110108 |
MUN - MU Major Project Fund |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
11011x |
MUN - Student Fees Memorial Union |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
110200 |
MUN - MU Retail Food Services |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
110801 |
LCB - Student Activities - Cascades |
Cascades campus |
Univ Admin BC |
110998 |
ZAR - Deposits - Student Centers/Activities |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
120xxx |
YIA - Intercollegiate Athletics |
Athletics |
130xxx |
MSH - Student Health Services |
Student Health Service |
133301 |
PHR - SHS Pharmacy |
Pharmacy |
Health Sci BC |
140xxx |
QFS - Parking |
Facilities/Parking Services |
150001 |
RMS - HMSC Bookstore |
190003 |
QCS - LaSells Stewart Center |
Conference Services |
190004 |
QCS - Conference Services |
Conference Services |
191102 |
DAA - Prof Faculty Leadership Assoc |
Academic Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
191221 |
JIS - Library Document Services |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
191231 |
JIS - WIN Network |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
191232 |
JIS - WIN Program |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
191401 |
TEX - EXT Morrow Co Facility Lease |
Extension Service |
Univ Admin BC |
191601 |
MUN - MU Mail Boxes |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
1921xx |
AGA - Expience Station Houses |
Agricultural Science |
192150 |
AFC - Food Innovation Center Rental |
Agricultural Science |
192151 |
AGS - Astoria Rentals |
Agricultural Science |
192601 |
OAS - Ship Operations Clothing |
193402 |
HHS - Locker Room Service |
Health Sci BC |
193403 |
HHS - Faculty/Staff Fitness |
Health Sci BC |
194001 |
QFA - Assoc Office Professionals (Aux) |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
199995 |
ZAR - Aux Enterprises Management Fund |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
199997 |
ZAR - Cascade Incidental Fees Clear |
Student Affairs & Budget Office |
199999 |
ZAR - Incidental Fees Clearing-OSU |
Student Affairs & Budget Office |
435010 |
OSUF Reimbursement Clearing |
Budget Office |
438121 |
JIS - D/D Campbell Library Endowed Chair |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
438151 |
RIP - S/F Stewart Gene Res Endw Chair |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
438152 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Endow Foundation Interest |
Agricultural Science |
438153 |
RDR - LPI Endowed Chair Adm-Foundation Interest |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
438154 |
RMS - Markham End Director Foundation Interest |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
438211 |
AGD - Ott Endow Poultry Science |
Agricultural Science |
438212 |
AGD - Jacobsroot End Prof Foundation Interest |
Agricultural Science |
438213 |
AGD - NorWest Endow Prof Foundation dtn Interest |
Agricultural Science |
438214 |
AGD - Bag-Fraz Endw Prof Foundation Interest |
Agricultural Science |
438215 |
AGD - P. C. Berger End Foundation Interest |
Agricultural Science |
438216 |
AGD - Hyslop End Prof Foundation Interest |
Agricultural Science |
438231 |
FOR - Richardson Forestry Endowment |
Forestry |
438232 |
FOR - Starker Cameron Chair McDonald Forest |
Forestry |
438233 |
FOR - Richardson Chair 1 Foundation Interest |
Forestry |
438234 |
FOR - Richardson Chair 2 Foundation Interest |
Forestry |
438235 |
FOR - Richardson Chair 3 Foundation Interest |
Forestry |
438241 |
CLA - Horning Humanities Endowed Chair |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
438242 |
CLA - English Endowed Professor |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
438243 |
CLA - Hundere Philosophy Endowed Chair |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
438251 |
SMB - Pernot Endw Prof Microbiology |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
438252 |
SZO - Valley Marine Bio Endowed Chair |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
438253 |
SZO - Rice Endow System Entomology |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
438261 |
OAS - Rohm Ocean Endowed Chair |
438272 |
BUS - Family Business Program Endowment |
Business |
Business & Engineering BC |
438301 |
EMM - Boeing Mech Engineering Endowed Prof |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
438302 |
ECC - Construction Ed Endow Fdn Interest |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
438303 |
EMM - Welty Prof End Foundation Interest |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
438304 |
ECB - L. Pauling Endow Foundation Interest |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
438311 |
HHS - Knudson Family Policy Endowed Ch |
Health Sci BC |
438312 |
HHS - Petersen Geront Chair Foundation Interest |
Health Sci BC |
489010 |
QBA - Year End Accruals |
Business Affairs/OSRAA |
489100 |
QBA - Restricted Mgmt Fund |
Business Affairs/OSRAA |
489104 |
ORS 62.720 Property |
Agricultural Science |
489105 |
QBA - Comp Abs Liability Restricted Funds |
Business Affairs/FAA |
489106 |
Grants Billing Payment Holding Fund |
Business Affairs/OSRAA |
491001 |
QBA - Emergency Loan Fund |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
491003 |
QBA - OSU Special Loan Fund |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
491005 |
QBA - United Student Aid |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
491006 |
QBA - Health Professional Loans |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
491105 |
QBA - JM Bell Graduate Loans |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
494001 |
QBA - Perkins Student Loans |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
6xxxxx |
Endowments |
Business Affairs/FAA |
800003 |
ZAR - Parking Maintenance/Repair |
Facilities Services/Parking |
801012 |
Athletics Misc Non-Cap Repairs |
Athletics |
802xxx |
Building Use Credits (BUC) funds |
Individual Departments |
804xxx |
Plant funds |
Individual college/unit |
804002 |
OSU President's Residence |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
804011 |
ZAR - Ag Land Replacement |
Business Services/Ag Sci |
804012 |
ZAR - Real Property Sales |
Business Services |
807xxx |
Plant funds (grants) |
Individual college/unit |
808xxx |
Plant funds (grants) |
Individual college/unit |
809xxx |
Plant funds (gifts) |
Individual college/unit |
810xxx |
Plant funds (GF) |
Individual college/unit |
814xxx |
Plant funds (Lottery bonds) |
Individual college/unit |
816xxx |
Plant funds (bonds) |
Individual college/unit |
817xxx |
Plant funds (bonds) |
Individual college/unit |
820xxx |
Plant funds (bonds) |
Individual college/unit |
822xxx |
Plant funds (bonds) |
Individual college/unit |
823xxx |
Plant funds (COPS) |
Individual college/unit |
825001 |
ZAR - Misc Fire Losses |
Business Services |
825005 |
ZAR - Kerr Library Books Renovation |
Library |
Univ Admin BC |
825007 |
Misc Non-Cap Insurance Reimburse Repair |
Facilities |
825008 |
Merryfield Roof-Insurance Reimburse |
Facilities Services |
834051 |
ZAR - Spec Service Facilities Bldg Replacement Reserve |
Finance & Admin |
834053 |
ZAR - Indirect Cost Bldg Replacement Reserve |
Finance & Admin and Research Office |
834056 |
ZAR-Hazardous Waste Facilities-BUC Reserve |
Finance & Admin |
834057 |
ZAR Cordley Hall BUC- Reserve |
Finance & Admin |
837004 |
JIS - Telephone Switch Service Equip Replacement |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
837008 |
QBA - Campus ID Center Equip Replacement |
Business Affairs/ID Center |
Univ Admin BC |
837009 |
RDR - Lab Animal Services Equip Replacement |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
837015 |
JIS - Inter-Inst Telecom Equip Replacement |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
837016 |
JIS - Cap Center Network Service Equip Replacement |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
837017 |
JIS - Inter-Inst 090017 Equip Replacement |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
837305 |
FOR - Quantitative Sci LAN Equip Replacement |
Forestry |
838702 |
QBS - OSU Motor Pool Equip Reserve |
Business Services |
838703 |
QBS - Surplus Property Equip Reserve |
Business Services |
838704 |
QBS - Printing/mailing Services Equip Reserve |
Business Services |
841001 |
ZAR - Res Hall Bldg Repair |
841002 |
ZAR - Bldg Rep College Inn |
841003 |
ZAR - Bldg Repairs COOPS |
841004 |
ZAR - Bldg Repairs Rec Sports |
MU/Rec Sports |
841005 |
ZAR - Parker Stadium Turf/Bldg Rep |
Athletics |
841006 |
ZAR - Bldg Repair Memorial U |
MU |
841008 |
ZAR - Bldg Rep Orchard Court |
841009 |
ZAR - Bldg Rep Health Serv |
Student Health Service |
841016 |
Parking Lot Maintenance/Repair |
Facilities/Parking Services |
841018 |
RMS- HMSC Housing Building Repair |
841019 |
Food Innovation Center Bldg Repair |
Agricultural Science |
841022 |
Weatherford Ext Renovation - Bldg Res |
Housing/Dining |
841026 |
McNary Res Window Replacement - Bldg Res |
Housing/Dining |
844004 |
RMS - HMSC Housing Bldg Reserve |
844006 |
MUN - MU Bldg Reserve |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
844007 |
MRS - Recreation Sports Bldg Reserv |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
844009 |
MSA - Child Care Bldg Reserv |
Student Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
844101 |
AGA - Experience Stationn Dwelling House Bldg Reserve |
Agricultural Science |
844102 |
MSH - Student Health Bldg Reserve |
Student Health Service |
844103 |
QFS - Parking Services Bldg Reserve |
Facilities/Parking Services |
844104 |
YIA - Athletics Building Reserve |
Athletics |
844105 |
FOR - Dwelling Replacement Reserve |
Forestry |
844109 |
YIA - Reser Stadium Reserve |
Athletics |
844110 |
MHD - College Inn Bldg Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
844111 |
MHD - Housing/Residence Bldg Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
844114 |
MHD - Orchard Court Bldg Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
844115 |
MHD - Univ Co-op Bldg Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
844116 |
Food Innovation Center Bldg Repair Reserve |
Agricultural Science |
847005 |
MUN - MU Catering Dining Equip Res |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
847006 |
MUN - MU Equip Res |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
847007 |
MRS - Recreation Sports Equip Res |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
847008 |
MUN - Educational Activities Equip Res |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
847009 |
MSA - Child Care Equip Res |
Student Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
847011 |
QCS - LaSells Stewart Center Equip Reserve |
Conference Services |
847106 |
MSH - Student Health Equip Reserve |
Student Health Service |
847107 |
QFS - Parking Services Equip Reserve |
Facilities/Parking Services |
847108 |
YIA - Athletics Equipment Reserve |
Athletics |
847110 |
MHD - College Inn Equip Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
847111 |
MHD - Housing/Residence Equip Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
847112 |
MHD - Housing / Dining Equip Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
847114 |
MHD - Orchard Court Equip Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
847115 |
MHD - Univ Co-op Equip Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
847117 |
JIS - Library Doc Service 191221 Equip Reserve |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
847119 |
JIS - WIN Network 191231 Equip Reserve |
Information Services |
Univ Admin BC |
850006 |
OSSHE Debt Service Reserve Mgmt Fund |
851001 |
MSA - Student Affairs Bldg Fee Debt Service |
Student Affairs |
851002 |
LCB - Cascades Bldg Fee Debt Service |
Cascades campus |
Univ Admin BC |
852001 |
MHD - Housing Dorm Debt Service Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
854001 |
MHD - Married Student Housing Debt Service Reserve |
Housing/Dining |
855001 |
QFS - Parking Debt Service Reserve |
Facilities/Parking Services |
856001 |
YIA - Athletics Parker Stadium Debt Service |
Athletics |
858001 |
OAS - Enviro Computer Debt Service Reserve |
Finance & Admin |
858002 |
Food Innovation Center D.S. Res |
Agricultural Science |
858003 |
SCI - Cordley Hall Debt Service Reserve |
Finance & Admin |
858004 |
Hazardous Waste Facilities DSR |
Finance & Admin |
858005 |
OSU Memorial Union DSR |
Student Affairs/Memorial Union |
858006 |
VMD - LAH Debt Service Reserve |
Veterinary Medicine |
Health Sci BC |
858007 |
OSU Energy Center Debt Service Res |
Finance & Admin |
890000 |
Investment in Plant |
Business Services & Facilities Services (SELP loans) |
910001 |
QBA - Deposits for Safekeeping |
Business Affairs/Bursar |
910003 |
QBA - Student Alternative Loans |
Business Affairs/Bursar |
921601 |
MSA - Tau Sigma Honor Society |
Student Affairs |
921901 |
LCB - Cascades Tau Sigma Honor Soc |
Cascades campus |
Univ Admin BC |
921902 |
LCB - Student Activities Committee |
Cascades campus |
Univ Admin BC |
929xxx |
MUN Student Organizations |
MU Accounting |
931472 |
TEX - Military Annuity Repay |
Extension Service |
Univ Admin BC |
931473 |
TEX - Federal Life Insurance |
Extension Service |
Univ Admin BC |
934xxx |
QBA Payroll payables |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
935xxx |
QBA Payroll payables |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
936xxx |
QBA Payroll payables |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
940007 |
UPR - CH2M Hill Alumni Center |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
940008 |
NIA - OSU Foundation Agency Fund |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
940012 |
NCS - KOAC/OPB Agency Fund |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
941006 |
TCE - UCEA West 2005 Conference |
Ecampus |
Univ Admin BC |
941007 |
MHD - PACURH 2008 |
Housing/Dining |
941102 |
MSA - PNACAC - Admissions |
Student Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
941301 |
GRD - OR Academy of Science |
Graduate School |
Univ Admin BC |
941502 |
RDR - World Rabbit Sci Association |
Research Centers/Institutions |
Univ Admin BC |
941504 |
ZAR - Sigma Xi Honorary |
Finance & Admin |
Univ Admin BC |
941506 |
RMS - HMSC Alaska NWFS Agency |
941508 |
RMS - NMFS Enforcement Admin Support |
941509 |
RMS - NMFS Coastal Zone |
941510 |
RMS - NMFS Groundfish Group |
941602 |
MSA - Natl Coalition Bldg Inst Conference |
Student Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
941604 |
MSA - Kinder Care |
Student Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
941606 |
DAA - Financial Aid Repay |
Academic Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
941607 |
MSH - Student Insurance Premiums |
Student Health Service |
941608 |
MSH - NCUC to Eliminate A/D Abuse |
Student Health Service |
942101 |
AGA - Ag Sci Recognition Events |
Agricultural Science |
942107 |
AGD - IIFET Conference |
Agricultural Science |
942110 |
AGS - NOAA New Zealand Conference |
Agricultural Science |
942301 |
DAA - Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Academic Affairs |
Univ Admin BC |
942304 |
FOR - NCASI Reimbursement |
Forestry |
942305 |
Forestry |
942501 |
SCH - Chem Phi Lambda Up Society |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
942701 |
BUS - Project Mgmt Class Projects |
Business |
Business & Engineering BC |
943002 |
ENE - ICRP Agency Fund |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
943102 |
KED - Natl Assn Multicultural Education |
Education |
Arts & Sciences BC |
944045 |
QBA - Microfilm Doctoral Dissertation |
Business Affairs/Student Finance |
944999 |
QBA - Gen Accounting Agency Mgmt Fund |
Business Affairs/Bursar |
945001 |
ZAR - Son Park Association |
Business Services |
FAxxxx |
ARF Gift Funds |
Individual Departments |
FExxxx |
OSUF Endowment Earnings |
Individual Departments |
FSxxxx |
OSU Reimbursement Runds |
Individual Departments |
FWxxxx |
External Work Study funds |
Business Affairs/Payroll |
M2xxxx |
Dept gift funds |
Individual Departments |
M3xxxx |
Library gift funds |
Library |
Univ Admin BC |
M40040 |
Need Grant Award - Odd Yr |
Business Affairs/Student Finance |
M40060 |
OSU Sundry Scholarship/Prizes/Gifts |
Business Affairs/Student Finance |
M40070 |
Annie Lindsay Scholarship |
Health Sci BC |
M40080 |
E Englund Memorial Post Grad Scholarship |
Graduate School |
Univ Admin BC |
M40090 |
Mech Eng Graf Fellowship |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
M40100 |
Floyd Hart Scholarship |
Forestry |
M40110 |
P Peterson Estate Scholarships |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40120 |
Merie Berger Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40130 |
Lenora H Kerr Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40140 |
C V Copson Memorial Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40150 |
McDonald Fellowship |
Forestry |
M40160 |
Eva M Seen Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40170 |
Holmes Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40180 |
Pack Charles L Prizes |
Forestry |
M40190 |
Smith Drucilla S Prizes |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40200 |
Clara H Waldo Prizes |
Provost Office |
Univ Admin BC |
M40210 |
Hoyt Memorial Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40220 |
Mark H Middlekauf Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40230 |
Lee Home Ec Scholarship |
Health Sci BC |
M40240 |
Ben Rodenwald Award |
Agricultural Science |
M40250 |
Gary McKenzie Agricultural Award |
Agricultural Science |
M40260 |
John Snellstrom Scholarship |
Forestry |
M40270 |
James H Collins Memorial MC |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40280 |
Jane K Platt Scholarship |
Agricultural Science |
M40290 |
Mabel A Wood Scholarship |
Health Sci BC |
M40300 |
Engineering Otto Herman Scholarship |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
M40310 |
Gibson Memorial Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40320 |
M L Thompson Scholarships |
Engineering |
Business & Engineering BC |
M40330 |
Roth Forest Endowment |
Science |
Arts & Sciences BC |
M40340 |
Frank Esther Golden Scholarship |
Pharmacy |
Health Sci BC |
M40350 |
WM F Herrin Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40360 |
A Grace Johnson Scholarship |
Health Sci BC |
M40370 |
Ford Family Foundation Scholarships |
Business Affairs/St Loans |
M40380 |
M O Starker Memorial Scholarship |
Forestry |
M40390 |
Wood Science WBC Scholarship |
Forestry |
M40400 |
Naomi C Andrews Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40410 |
Gen Scholarship Quasi Endow |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40420 |
Barry Lawler Scholarship |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
M40430 |
Estate of Amelia H. Lawless |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40440 |
Walter and Edith Davis |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40450 |
RC/MM Winslow Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40460 |
Estate of Ruth Cartmell |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40470 |
Estate of N Warren Boyd |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40490 |
Ruth B Tyson Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40500 |
OS Pharmacy Assn Scholarship |
Pharmacy |
Health Sci BC |
M40510 |
Jim Frank jr memorial Fun |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40530 |
J E Simmons Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40540 |
Mary Van Kirk Scholarships |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40550 |
Financial Aid Gen Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40570 |
Irene McKinley Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40580 |
Psychology General Schol |
Liberal Arts |
Arts & Sciences BC |
M40590 |
Grad School Fellowship |
Graduate School |
Univ Admin BC |
M40600 |
Zerocrats Scholarships |
Agricultural Science |
M40630 |
ELI Scholarship |
International Prog |
Univ Admin BC |
M40640 |
Grant in Aid Athletics |
Athletics |
M40650 |
Scholarships - Lottery |
Graduate School |
Univ Admin BC |
M40660 |
International Trade Dev Grad Fellowship |
Graduate School |
Univ Admin BC |
M40670 |
University Club Scholarship |
Graduate School |
Univ Admin BC |
M40750 |
Ben Slater Scholarship |
Forestry |
M40760 |
Aufderheide Memorial Scholarship |
Forestry |
M40770 |
Paul Copson Memorial Scholarship |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40790 |
University Scholarship - DMV |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M40810 |
Oregon Student Aid Commission |
Student Affairs/Financial Aid |
M4082A |
ZAR Institutional Student Support - Gifts |
Budget Office |
M40830 |
KED OTRM Scholarships |
Education |
Arts & Sciences BC |
M40840 |
QBA Amer Elec Assn Scholarships |
Business Affairs/Student Finance |
Restricted Grants/contracts |
Individual Departments |