November 4


Summary of Change

FIS 002
Updated the definitions for Internal Sales Distribution and Inter-Departmental.
FIS 203
Workshop Income from OSU Departments

Replaced the term "workshop" with Miscellaneous Internal Services and replaced account code "79301" with 09392.

FIS 204-02
University (internal) Fee Book
Added the sentence "See the Internal Sales Reimbursements definition for the appropriate account code to use for these internal transactions.
FIS 407-01
Travel Reimbursements
Replaced "Invited Guest" with "Official Guest."
FIS 409
How to Determine What Account Code to Use
Deleted "unless credit is to an 05xxxx Designated Operations fund."
FIS 409-01
Account Code Restrictions by Fund Type
Under Revenue Account Codes, replaced 5th bulleted line "09xxx Service Center income, internal service center reimbursement - only on 09xxxx funds" with "09xxx Internal Sales income, - only on 05xxxx, 09xxxx, and 1xxxxx funds". Also deleted the 6th bulleted line (05XXXX if cost overrun)
FIS 410-05
Hosting Groups & Official Guests
Replaced "Invited Guest" with "Official Guest."
FIS 411-01
Revenue Transfer Requirements
Replaced 3rd bulleted line "When income is posted to service departments with 79xxx account codes. Such income is generated from charges to other departments for goods and services provided by the service department) with "09xxxx Internal Sales are not considered Revenue for this section. See Internal Sales Reimbursements definition.
FIS 1107-01
Doing a Correction or Redistributing Charges
Added "use JV Rule Code 3GNT" to the information concerning the redistribution charges involving Grants.
FIS 1107-03
Internal Sales Reimbursement -- 79xxx Account Codes
Updated the exception concerning the use of the 79xxx account codes.

FIS 1403-01
Designated Operations

Replaced account code "79390" in Departmental General Fund with "09390" for the entry of expenditures in the designated operations funds related to the direct and indirect costs of the activity.

March 24


Summary of Change

FIS 1402-01
Airfare Purchasing Policy - Not Using Contracted Travel Agencies
Added information on Personal Travel Combined with Business Travel.