Date Fiscal Policy/Rule Summary of Revision

03-150-102 Lease Reporting

Policy revised to increase the materiality thresholds for capitalizing OSU lessee and lessor leases for financial reporting purposes.
03/01/24 03-120-204 Graduate Student Employee Compensation

Policy revised to allow tuition remission and the pay to be on different funds (e.g. a graduate student can be paid on a grant and tuition remissions can be process on a colleges budget or another grant). Previously graduate student tuition remission had to be processed on the same funds as the pay for the student, and colleges needed flexibility to seek out additional funding to cover tuition remissions.

03/01/24 03-140-505 Meals, Refreshments and Events Policy revised to allow the purchase or rental of a cap or gown for students on Fund Type 70 – Recognized Student Organization funds. Current policy has caused confusion for student clubs as it’s been a long-standing practice for them to fund raise to provide regalia to their club members.
04/22/24 03-150-106 Interest Earnings Policy revised to provide clarification to the requirements for Gift and Donation Funds that are legally required to retain earned interest.
04/22/24 03-150-301 OSU Foundation Full review and update to replace FIS 507. Provides clarification on when transactions should be processed as direct payments through OSUF or reimbursements from OSUF to OSU.
06/01/24 03-150-103 Subscrition-Based IT Arrangements New policy to provide guidelines for identifying, valuing, accounting and reporting SBITA software contracts, agreements and transactions in OSU's financial statements and underlying accounting system, in accordance with new GASB 96 requirements.
07/10/24 03-140-206 University Credit Cards Policy revised to provide clarification related to specific card program responsibilities of a Budget Authority.
07/10/24 03-140-202 Personal Reimbursements Policy revised to remove link to Reimbursement Request form & clarify process.
08/08/24 03-150-112 Donations, Contributions & Sponsorships Policy revised to change contact to Director of FAR & remove Business Center and Business Affairs.
08/08/24 03-140-401 Travel Policy revised to add "itemized" receipt to section 3.2.4.
08/28/24 Ex402-3: Fixed Asset Data Entry (FADE) Form

Updated Downloadable Form & Fixed Asset Data Form with Sample Data

08/28/24 03-100-024 Process Categories Updated guideline for processing various policy categories.
10/07/24 03-120-404 Relocation Allowance Policy revised to remove restrictive criteria & payment levels based on employment status.  Policy under further review & will be transitioned under UHR>
10/07/24 03-150-411 Equipment Acquisitions Full review & update into new standard format.
10/14/24 Ex402-3: Fixed Asset Data Entry (FADE) Form Exhibit updated to correlate with recently updated FADE form.
10/14/24 Exhibit 003-04 Fixed Asset Type Codes Exhibit updated to revise definitions.
10/14/24 Exhibit 003-02 Account Codes Exhibit updated to delete account #24750.
12/5/24 03-140-401 Travel Link updated for section 4.12.