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Education and Info Opportunities

Events Coming Soon!

Save the Date! May 14, 2024 - DFA All Staff Spring Meeting and Awards Luncheon

All DFA employees are invited to the DFA All Spring Meeting and Awards Luncheon scheduled for May 14, 2024 at 11AM in the MU Ballroom. The 2024 DFA Award recipients will be announced, and guest speaker President Jayathi Murthy will share her thoughts on the university strategic plan Prosperity Widely Shared.


OSU Student Sustainability Council winter meetings

Opportunity for students! The OSU Sustainability Council is a new departmental program hosted by the Sustainability Office that serves as a hub for peer-to-peer student engagement on sustainability topics. The Council connects student clubs and organizations - and individual students - for collective action around sustainability and social justice. Winter meetings will be held Wednesdays from 5-6pm in MU Room 215. To receive Council updates, please fill out the Interest Form!

DPS offers RAD Systems Women’s Self-Defense Class, Feb. 23-25

Oregon State's Public Safety Department offers another round of RAD Systems Women's self-defense classes. All female faculty, staff and students are welcome to participate. Classes will be held at Cascade Hall on Feb. 23-25, 2024.

Register for the class at


Say Hey Multi-Cultural Networking Event, Feb 27

Say Hey: Say Hey will be hosted at OSU from 5:30-8 p.m., Feb. 27, by the Portland Partners in Diversity. The goal is to help connect local businesses and community members with professionals of color. Employees of color are honored at the event and encouraged to register as honorees. Community members and allies are encouraged to attend also to support building community and connections. Registration is now open, and space is limited.

To register as an attendee: To register as an honoree:


Register for PERS Retirement Workshops, Feb 27

PERS: All About OPSRP—Feb 27, 9:00-11:00 (Corvallis Campus)

This workshop is intended for PERS OPSRP members at any career point. Topics include PERS Member resources; retirement eligibility and processes; Online Member Services; OPSRP benefit estimates; Individual Account Program (IAP); and OPSRP membership details and benefits. Register here!

PERS Retirement Readiness: For Tier 1 and Tier 2 Employees within 3 years of Retirement— Feb 27, 1:00-3:00 (Corvallis Campus)

This workshop is intended for Tier One and Tier Two members within three years of retirement. Topics include taxes; health insurance; retirement eligibility; Online Member Services; retirement option choices; a review of benefit estimates, Cost-of-Living Adjustments, and Individual Account Program (IAP); calculating the retirement benefit; and a review of retirement application forms. Register here!


OSU Beaver Moms Meetings Start Mar. 14

UHR has partnered with The Family Resource Center to launch a new community event to support OSU Moms beginning in spring 2024. OSU Beaver Moms will be a space for self-identified moms from the OSU community to talk about parenting, work, and everything in between. Lunch will be provided. This will be a time for informal conversation, to come late or leave early if needed, ask questions of other moms, share experiences/stories/resources and more.

The first meeting will take place on Mar. 14 at noon to 1:30 PM in the Allworth Conference Room in the Memorial Union and will be facilitated by Stefanie Maerki, Mom, HR Strategic Partner, and OSU Alumnus.

For more information, please contact Cari Maes at


Carpool to regional sustainability conference in March

Join our vanpool to Bellingham for the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (WOHESC)! The Sustainability Office has reserved Motor Pool vans to accommodate OSU students, faculty and staff. WOHESC – hosted at Western Washington University March 4-6 – will include educational sessions, meetups, and networking opportunities to empower participants to advance action and create change. The 2024 theme is Learning From Place: Solutions Beyond Boundaries, which focuses on using the environment to ground inquiries that span politically drawn boundaries. Email if you want a ride!


Invest in Solarize Corvallis projects!

Through a partnership with the Oregon Clean Power Cooperative and the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, the OSU Sustainability Office invites community members to invest in the latest Solarize Corvallis projects, which includes rooftop solar on three OSU buildings: Beth Ray Center, Milam Hall, and Richardson Hall. The solar equipment for these projects will be owned by Oregon Clean Power Cooperative, which is raising funding from community investors. The minimum investment is $1,000, with investment rate return choices between 1% and 4%. To take advantage of this win-win opportunity, please email or! For more information about all three projects, click here.

Education and Info Opportunities

Subscribe to Campus Directions for construction updates and more

Campus Directions is a quarterly newsletter published by DFA IT that shares important news and updates about operational work happening on the Corvallis campus. Topics include construction updates, safety improvements, sustainability progress and more. Subscribers get an inside look at what’s happening behind the scenes to keep our campus beautiful, functional and safe for everyone.

Visit the Campus Directions blog to read the latest stories or become a subscriber!


Budget and Resource Planning Important Deadlines

The Office of Budget and Resource Planning reminds the community about the budget deadlines listed below. For questions, please contact

  • Mar. 1       FY25 Corvallis E&G Dept. Revenue review
  • Mar. 15     FY25 Self Support budget worksheets distributed to financial services, units & SWPS
  • Mar. 22     Q3 E&G and Self-Support projections and variance explanations due
  • Mar. 29     FY25 Distribution of Preliminary Budget Model
  • Apr. 5       FY25 Self-Support budgets due; FY25 SWPS budgets due and FY25 Cascades budgets due


Monthly University Budget Conversations

University Budget Conversations are a great way to learn how the university funds its strategic priorities and ongoing operations. Participants are invited to ask questions about any budget-related topic. The first University Budget Conversation of the year focused on “FY24 Shared Responsibility Budget Model” in October, and it garnered 120 attendees via Zoom.

For the full schedule and information about past conversations, visit


Core Curriculum for Managers & Supervisors

Core Curriculum for Managers and Supervisors is a multi-day training program for all Oregon State University managers, supervisors, and lead workers. At the end of this course, learners will have a solid understanding of the principles and policies that apply to our employees; know how to navigate within the space of talent management activities; recognize when, and how, to provide equal opportunity & access to employees; and be familiar with the OSU resources and responsibilities relating to employee health, safety, and wellbeing. Register for an upcoming series!

  • Winter 2024: February 26-29, 8:15-12:00 (remote)
  • Spring 2024: May 7-10, 8:15-12:00 (remote)


Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

Learn skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around topics involving opposing opinions, high stakes, and strong emotions - at all levels of the organization.

Each lesson is highly engaging, and consists of group activities, pair-shares, and self-reflection work. Throughout each session, learners will have the opportunity to apply these principles and skills to a real-life challenge they may be facing and discuss their plan with a Learning Partner.

Register for an upcoming 5-session workshop! Note: A $255 fee covers the course materials.

  • Mondays, Apr 8-May 6, 9:00-11:30 (Corvallis Campus)

Schedule a group! This program is also available upon request to OSU teams of 12 or more – contact for information.


New UHR Coaching Website for Leaders

UHR’s Learning & Development site now features a new Organizational Development & Coaching Consultation Services webpage for OSU leadership. Highlighted internal services include information about HR Strategic Partners, and leadership programs tailored to meet the needs of the OSU leader. External resources include a directory of bios for distinguished executive coaches available for consultation, as well as external development opportunities tailored to leadership in Higher Education.

Last Updated: 