The OSU Transportation Plan is a long range plan that works to improve accessibility, campus vibrancy and walkability; to provide sustainable transportation options (and encourage their use); and to coordinate development with the surrounding community.
Working to implement the Corvallis Campus Vision, which calls for (among other things) a transportation network that expands nonvehicular travel options and improves the pedestrian experience on campus, the primary goal of the OSU Transportation Plan is to provide students, employees, visitors and community members a range of effective transportation options to access and move about campus. The intent is for this Plan to guide decisions regarding funding, implementation, operation, and monitoring of campus transportation facilities, services and programs.
Contact University Land Use Planning at if you have any questions about the OSU Transportation Plan.
Guidance for Designers and Engineers
The Design Toolbox provides design guidance for all facility types based on the facility’s long-term classification as shown on the Network Maps. Conceptual designs and policy recommendations for each major project also are summarized.
Recommendation 1: Policy and Programmatic Solutions
Realizing OSU’s vision for transportation on campus requires several important tools: policies, programs, and major projects. These solutions are recommended for continuous and systematic approaches to planning, delivering, managing, and maintaining an effective and efficient transportation system on the Corvallis campus.
Recommendation 2: Campus Way Corridor
Campus Way is a critical east-west corridor through campus that serves as a gateway to campus from the city of Corvallis to the east and from Benton County to the west. Much of the corridor experiences intense daily pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle activity. In the future, this area is envisioned as a multimodal corridor that prioritizes pedestrian and bicycle traffic, but can also accommodate private motor vehicles, delivery vehicles, service vehicles, and transit at various locations with fewer conflicts.
Left: Intersection of SW Campus Way and SW 26th Street shows conflicts among pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
Recommendation 3: Benton Place and 17th and 16th Streets Corridor
The vision for this important corridor includes dedicated bicycle and pedestrian facilities to improve this north/south connection and better serve the variety of uses along the corridor.
Recommendation 4: Parking Garage Accessway Corridor
This corridor’s diverse and dynamic set of uses generates intense daily activity. The OSU Transportation Plan envisions this area as a multimodal corridor that accommodates pedestrians, bicyclists, private motor vehicles and a variety of service and delivery vehicles.
Recommendation 5: Pedestrian/Bicycle Priority Zone
Designated in the campus core, the Pedestrian/Bicycle Priority Zone is envisioned as a multimodal area that prioritizes pedestrians, bicyclists and transit, while accomodating a variety of service and delivery vehicles in ways that reduce conflicts with pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit. During Pedestrian / Bicycle Priority Zone operating hours, private vehicles and some service and delivery vehicles will have limited or no access.