Results Over Time:


And here is a breakdown of each year's results by category:

Category 2012 Weight (lbs) 2013 Weight (lbs) 2014 Weight (lbs) 2015 Weight (lbs) 2016 Weight (lbs) 2017 Weight (lbs)  2018 Weight (lbs) 

2019 Weight (lbs)

2020 Weight (lbs)

2021 Weight (lbs)

2022 Weight (lbs) 2023 Weight (lbs) 2024 Weight (lbs)
Wood 4,421 7,081 3,820 7,618 1,000 7,864 2,000  400 N/A* N/A* N/A N/A N/A
Clothing, Shoes, Linens 5,252 7,283 6,664 9,706 6,867 8,191 10,861  9,034 N/A* N/A* 9,286 11,540 7,178
Food, Toiletries, School Supplies 2,517 2,693 1,897 3,358 3,103 4,119  4,563  3,119 N/A* N/A* 1,902 3,040 1,576


7,932 8,922 10,027 13,268 11,997 15,502 14,889  9,980 N/A* N/A* 9,234 17,630 9,530
Total Donations 20,693 25,979 22,408 33,950 22,967 35,676 32,313  22,533 3,763 5,936 20,422 32,210 19,415

*Due to increased safety precautions for COVID-19 and a reduction in donations received, we did not sort the donations this year.