Projects with Campus Recycling

Campus Recycling and its partners can mentor students on projects related to responsible and sustainable materials management. Below, you will find a list of potential projects as well as details about work students have done in the past.

To inquire about working with Campus Recycling or OSU Surplus, please contact to determine if your proposed project's content fits within our organization's goals, expertise, and capacity. Upon reaching out, we may set up a meeting or send you contact information of another campus partner who may be able to provide you with better guidance based on project content. 

List of Potential Projects

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Education; Learning Design; Sustainable behaviors

After reviewing best practices and motivating sustainable behaviors, student will design and prepare an online class that will lead a wide range of campus community members to effective behaviors in managing their materials.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Materials research; Life Cycle assessment; Hazardous waste Conduct an audit of OSU research labs; Literature review; Research purchasing records/Interview stakeholders; Analyze results and develop recommendations for improved waste prevention and diversion.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Materials research; Life Cycle assessment; Hazardous waste Conduct an audit of OSU medical, pharmaceutical and student health labs or service centers (i.e. Plageman); Research purchasing records/interview stakeholders; Literature review; Analyze results and develop recommendations for improved waste prevention and diversion.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Sustainability Field research, data collection& analysis; Using data from the 2021 campus wide waste audit, conduct waste and recycling audits at “bellwether” buildings to understand materials flows and make recommendations for increased waste prevention and recovery. One or more buildings could be involved depending on the size of the departments.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Circularity; Life Cycle Assessment; Supply chain

Assess the alternatives for preventing and recovering highly used plastics at OSU. Compare increasing recovery vs. waste prevention strategies. Research emerging industry trends and research. Examples include pipette holder boxes, polystyrene, construction waste.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

On the Go Recycling & waste disposal behaviors; Education

Consider purchasing one that rotates to area temporarily that have high contamination. Explore different models of interactive display units; ask for pricing. 

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Marketing; Materials reuse; Sustainable behaviors; Economics OSU Dining Services will be launching a new marketing campaign to increase the use of reusable cups/mugs by OSU Community members. This project would be to study the effectiveness of the effort including attitudes and behavior surveys.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Materials circularity research; Supply chain

Conduct a survey of any current or past research conducted at OSU that impacted the broader effort to reduce waste and increase circularity. Interview researchers; Present results

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Logistics, economics, management

Research and assess the amount and types of organic wastes generated at OSU; Research and evaluate options for improved management such as waste increased composting.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Supply chain; Procurement practices; Behavioral research

Using records of OSU Surplus data, evaluate the higher waste durable goods as to their outcomes- sale, donation, scrap, dispose.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Environmental Outreach and Education, Institutional Programming, Design and Accessibility, Environmental Communications, Videography and Editing (Optional)

Every on-campus resident is enrolled in a Canvas Course that educates them on recycling expectations in their hall. This course includes modules on bottles and cans, paper, cardboard, and now reusables on campus. This course requires updates, accessibility assessments, and possibly a migration to another interface. This project would require working closely with Campus Recycling and Housing Services.

Related Field of Study

Project Description

Outreach and Marketing, Institutional Programming, Design, Institutional Communications, Project Management 

Grads Give Back is a graduation gown share program that is hosted by Campus Recycling and The Memorial Union. This program faced a depletion of it's inventory of gowns during the pandemic and needs extensive communication plans to not only distribute gowns, but to get previous graduates to donate their gowns. This practicum would revolve around working with campus partners, designing communication materials and timelines, and thinking creatively about improving and expanding upon this program.

In-Progress Projects:

  • Reusable Cups on Campus Outreach and Behavioral Analysis Practicum 2023
    • Led by Kaylee Smith, Campus Recycling Administrative Program Specialist
    • Learning Outcomes Related Responsibilities
      Analyze, organize, and interpret survey data about the Reusable Cups Program at OSU and learn how to create digestible and concise information reports.
      • Coding Reusables Survey Data
      • Synthesize survey data to be reported and shared
      • Create visuals when needed to represent data
      Develop outreach programs in collaboration with on-campus organizations and clubs.
      • Plan and execute social media posts to be posted on @OSUSustainable Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
      • Provide information to clubs and organizations that will inform them about the importance of reusables through blurbs, handouts, and presentations
      • Work with CEL on it’s Adopt-A-Bottle program to promote across the university and gather thermoses
      • Plan tabling events that promote reusables on campus and coordinate volunteers/materials
      • Work with Eco-Reps to promote reusables in residence halls at OSU through handouts and social media posts
      Evaluate the effectiveness of outreach programs in order to create more comprehensive and compelling communication methods that meet the needs and wants of the students.
      • Create a method of tracking outreach (students reached, likes on social media posts, feedback, etc.)
      • Compare tactics and determine which are most effective for particular audiences.
      Understand the social,
      economic, and environmental dimensions of implementing a Reusable Cup Program on a large public university campus and how those dimensions interact to create a multifaceted system.
      • Research environmental impacts of single use plastics, compostable plastic cups, and reusable cups to be used in communications and reports
      • Research the contamination rates of coffee cups in recycling streams at OSU and quantify the impacts on the university/Campus Recycling



Past Projects:

  • Assessing Expansion of Reusable Take-Out Food Containers at Oregon State University 2022
    • Led by Chris Anderson of UHDS and John Deuel of Campus Recycling
    • Learning Outcomes Related Responsibilities
      Compare and analyze the
      life cycle impacts of single
      use paper vs reusable
      containers used by Oregon
      To research and write a
      research paper and
      Assess and determine
      whether or not reusable or
      disposable containers are
      less impactful on the
      environment and
      Collecting information
      about materials used.
      Describing a life cycle of
      the two products.
      Student will identify,
      communicate with and
      obtain data and related
      information from other
      researchers and subject
      matter experts to support
      this analysis.
      Reaching out to different
      Searching for studies done
      Discussing questions and
      concerns with new
      Student will interpret the
      results of the LCA research
      to support the relative
      environmental value of
      single use paper vs.
      reusable take out food
      Will be done by analyzing
      results of the research and
      compiling research paper.
      Student will create a report
      and visual presentation
      board to explain the
      outcomes of the research.
      Following 401 course
      guidelines for research
      Creating a board with all
      collected resources and
      information compiled into
      easy to understand
  • Life Cycle Assessment of Paper Towels and Hand Dryers 2020
    • Led by John Deuel of Campus Recycling

    • Learning Outcomes Related Responsibilities

      Successfully conduct and compare the lifecycle analysis (LCA) of paper towels versus air hand drying machines to calculate their environmental impact (in terms of carbon footprint) and to determine which is more environmentally sustainable.

      Contact related departments /individuals to gather information from Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management (PCMM), Department of Facilities, and Office of Sustainability as necessary to conduct LCA.

      Evaluate the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability of the project to help inform the university’s triple bottom line decision making, justifying expenditures and changes on factors beyond purely economic calculations.

      Research relevant case studies that demonstrate the need to consider all three dimensions of sustainability within the realm of higher education. 

      Present recommendations to the university based on LCA data to inform their purchasing decisions based on sustainability criteria as well as public health factors during the pandemic.

      Write a 10-page report that contains the LCA completed, well supported findings, and recommendations that will inform future university purchasing decisions. 


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