Student Organizations
Section 100: Student Organizations Classification & Department Student Organizations
Effective: July 1, 2010
Revised: May 4, 2016


A DSO is listed on OSU’s organizational chart and for all purposes is OSU.  DSOs are governed by and responsible for following all University Standards and Policies and processes, including financial and administrative responsibilities for its activities.  A DSO operates under OSU’s Tax Identification Number or OSU Foundation’s Tax Identification Number and its activities are considered department activities.

DSOs provide students positional roles of leadership as employees or as official volunteers of OSU.  Departments fully support the success of the student organization through supervision of its members, professional development, mentoring and advising.  DSOs are comprised primarily OSU students as determined by the department.  Although DSOs are not recognized student organizations, DSOs can register through the Student Org Database managed by the department of Student Leadership and Involvement to support visibility of and access to these organizations to OSU students.

Key Indicators: The following are key indicators that a student organization should be classified as a DSO:

  • Department directly employs staff to support, develop, and direct the organization.  The position description of these staff list directing and supporting the organization as a primary duty of their position.
  • Department provides compensation to students for participation in the organization. (compensation includes wages, scholarships, stipends, housing, term meal plans, etc.), or students are official volunteers of the university for their work on behalf of the organization.
  • Departments manage all business and safety functions, including but not limited to Business Center engagement, Office of Risk Management, Procurement and Contract Services, OSU General Counsel, OSU Foundation, etc.
  • Department controls/approves organization finances and requires the organization to maintain all funding and property under the department/University.
  • Department controlled resources (space, equipment, technology, etc.) are available to the organization without fees and individual use agreements.
  • Organization is responsible for allocating department resources to other student organizations.
  • Department has the authority to establish, maintain or eliminate the organization.
  • Department sets annual goals of the organization.
  • Department can recommend and require student leadership change. 
  • Department can define positional roles and duties and can define unique criteria for participation.
  • Activities of the organization utilize OSU’s Tax Identification Number or the OSU Foundation Tax Identification Number for all business, including solicitation and receipt of gifts-in-kind, donations and sponsorships.