Transportation Committee

Our mission is to promote and facilitate the use of alternative modes of transportation at Oregon State University.

If you have a question regarding alternative transportation, please contact the Chair.

The Alternative Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) was founded in 1993 as the Bicycle Advisory Committee. Since then, the focus of ATAC has expanded to include promoting all alternative modes of transportation for the OSU community. ATAC advises Oregon State University on funding alternative transportation programs, safety education, and other alternative transportation issues. The goals of the committee include promoting biking, walking, carpooling and public transit as means to get to and from campus.


FAQs  Meeting Minutes 


Current Committee Membership

If you are interested in joining ATAC as positions become open, please contact the ATAC Chair.

Best Workplace for Commuters

EPA Best Workplaces for Commuters logo

Oregon State University's main campus has been designated as one of US Environmental Protection Agency's Best Workplaces for Commuters. This designation recognizes employers for outstanding efforts to provide alternatives to the single occupancy vehicle including:

  • An electronic ridematching and carpooling system
  • Agreements with the City of Corvallis and the City of Albany for prepaid rides on Corvallis Transit System, the Linn-Benton Loop, the Philomath Connection and Albany Transit System
  • A campus shuttle that is free to all riders
  • Telecommuting options (pdf) and compressed work schedules
  • An emergency ride home program
  • Preferential parking for vanpools, and partnerships with organizations that provide carpool ridematching and vanpool services
  • A physical development plan, the OSU Master Plan, that requires dense growth within existing campus boundaries, enabling students to walk between classes with the 10 minutes allocated between classes
  • Secure bicycle parking and showers