02.11A Supplies (20XXX)
20101 Office and Administrative Supplies
Materials for office use, such as paper, pens, ink cartridges, machine tapes, staplers, binders, wastebaskets, paper clips, etc.
20103 Laboratory Supplies
Materials generally used in scientific and professional laboratories for instructional or research purposes. This code covers test tubes, glass beakers, printer paper, litmus paper, pens, light bulbs, batteries, etc used in a lab. This code does not cover alcohol, bulk chemicals, drugs and pharmaceutical supplies, insecticides, small tools, etc for which there are separate, specific account codes.
20106 Books Publication & Other Materials
Purchases of books, periodicals and reference materials made by instructional or administrative departments. This account code should also be used for materials that will be circulated as a part of an established reference library. (see account 40190 - Library Purchases)
20107 Diplomas & Certificates
Expenditures for diplomas and certificates.
20109 Library Electronic Resources
Purchases by institutional libraries of electronic resources including databases, e-journals, e-articles and e-books. Also includes subscriptions to electronic resources and membership fees to receive access to electronic resources. For physical, non-electronic resources, please see 20106-Books, Periodicals and Other Reference Materials or 40190-Library Purchases.
20110 Student Project Supplies
Expenditures for student project supplies.
20112 Electronic Supplies
Includes expenditures for electronic, data processing, audio, and video supplies
20113 Photocopy Supplies
Expenditures for photocopy supplies such as paper and toner.
20114 Library Supplies
Expenditures for specialized library supplies such as white marking pens for writing on the spines of books, plastic book covers, magazine covers and special labels.
20116 Cartography Supplies
20117 Art/Graphic Arts Supplies
20118 Photography Supplies
Expenditures for photography supplies such as film, darkroom supplies, chemicals, paper and minor camera accessories.
20120 Performing Arts Supplies
Expenses for supplies unique to the performing arts. These might include sheet music, theatrical prop building materials, etc.
20121 Costume Supplies
Expenses for costume supplies in the performing arts.
20122 Stage Materials
Expenses for stage materials in the performing arts.
20160 Ticket/Ticket Stock
Purchase of supplies and materials used to produce tickets.
20166 Athletic Supplies
Expenditures for athletic supplies such as balls, mats, baseball bats and gloves, etc.
20167 Employee Emergency Relief (Non-Taxable)
Use to provide emergency financial aid to employees through established employee aid programs using non-E&G funds. Support provided for crisis situations that may include housing, medical assistance, food, tuition, etc. Approval for use of account code should be obtained from Controller’s Office/Accounts Payable Supervisor prior to use.
20168 Awards - Employee
Expenditures for athletic and other awards to employees as a result of actions related to their employment. Includes gift certificates, plaques, and engraved awards. For cash awards to an employee use account code 10417 - Employee Awards. Gift certificates under 20168 are taxable.
20169 Awards & Prizes - Non-Employee (tax reportable)
Cash awards (including gift certificates) and prizes (including plaques and engraved awards) given to a non-employee that result in taxable income to that individual.
20179 Uncollected Cash Advance (tax reportable)
Advance funds that were not accounted for upon settlement of advance and/or excess funds not returned in a reasonable period of time. (1099-Tax reportable)
20185 Uniforms
Expenditures for uniforms, such as worn by athletic teams, band members, choirs, judging teams etc where the uniform is purchased and owned by the university and is not personal attire.
20186 Disposable Wearing Apparel
Expenditures for disposable wearing apparel used in hospitals and clinics.
20187 Employee Safety Apparel
Costs of employee wearing apparel furnished by the department when special safety apparel is required. Includes shoes, safety glasses and other "required" safety apparel. This code does not cover disposable wearing apparel (see account code 20186 - Disposable Wearing Apparel).
20188 Employee Clothing
Expenditures for clothing furnished by the department when special clothing is required. See 28613 - Public Relations/Fund Raising, for clothing related to fund raising and institutional promotion.
20190 Testing Group Incentives
Expenditures for items to be given as incentives for volunteers who serve on a test panel or survey group. Includes gift certificates and other non-cash items. (See also 25140 - Research Subjects)
20199 Miscellaneous Supplies
Supply expenditures that cannot be coded in other classifications in this section.
20200 Minor Equipment
Expenditures for tangible personal property that meets the following criteria: It has a unit value of less than $5,000. It is not consumed in the normal course of business. Its useful life exceeds two years. It excludes property listed on the equipment inventory (see account code A8011 & 40101 - Equipment). For Information Technology (IT) related minor equipment, see account codes 20201 - Computer, 20203 - Printers, or 20204 - Other IT Related Peripherals.
20201 Computer (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for computer hardware that meets the criteria for minor equipment. Includes monitors, cpu's, keyboards, etc.
20202 Software (Purchased/Owned)
This account is used for purchases of software that allow for indefinite perpetual use, i.e., they have no definite expiration date or renewal options.
20203 Printers (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for printers that meet the criteria for minor equipment.
20204 Other Information Technology (IT) Related Peripherals
Expenditures for Information Technology related peripherals not otherwise specified that meet the criteria for minor equipment. Includes routers, switches, hard drives, DVD burners, memory, etc.
20210 Office Furniture (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for office furniture that meet the criteria for minor equipment.
20215 Specialized Equipment (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for specialized equipment that meet the criteria for minor equipment.
20216 Sports Equipment (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for sports equipment that meet the criteria for minor equipment.
20220 Inventoried Equipment/Non-State Funds
Equipment costing $5K or greater, purchased on non-state funds, and where ownership will likely remain with a non-state entity. Ptag will be created and equipment will be put on the University property fixed asset inventory file as non-capitalized. No entries are made to investment in plant. This equipment will not incur indirect costs when the MTDC basis is used.
20221 Inventoried Equipment/Non-State Funds/RCRV
Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) fabrication & completion plus equipment costing $5K or greater, purchased on non-state funds and where ownership will likely remain with a non-state entity. Ptag will be created and equipment will be put on the University property fixed asset inventory file as non-capitalized. No entries are made to investment in plant. This account code differs from 20220 because indirect costs are allowable per agency agreement.
20225 Non-Inventory Equipment/Non-State Funds
Equipment costing $5K or greater, purchased on non-state funds where both ownership and the equipment will remain with a non-OSU entity. This equipment will not be put in the University property fixed asset inventory records. This equipment will not incur indirect costs.
20226 Non-Inventory Equipment/State Title
Equipment costing $5K or greater purchased on funds where both ownership and the equipment will remain with OSU. The useful life of this equipment is expected to be three years or less. This equipment will not be put on OSU's fixed asset inventory records. This equipment will not incur indirect costs. An example of equipment that will fall under this category are over-the-side assets such as chipods and GPS buoy arrays.
20251 Vehicle Tires
Expenditures for tires for vehicles.
20252 Automotive Fuels/Lubricants
Expenditures for gasoline and diesel fuels and automotive lubricants.
20300 Student Meals
Expenditures for athletic training table meals and special student group meals. This code does not cover meals for students or staff while traveling or staff members' meals at their official stations (see the 39XXX series of account codes).
20310 Food - Other
Costs of foods other than meats, fish and poultry purchased for dietary purposes, cafeterias, or kitchens. This code does not cover purchases for resale or redistribution. (See the 6XXXX series of account codes).
20311 Food - Meats Fish & Poultry
Costs of meats, fish and poultry for dietary purposes, cafeterias or kitchens. This code does not cover purchases for resale or redistribution. (See the 6XXXX series of account codes).
20330 Tableware & Kitchen Utensils
Costs of dietary and cafeteria tableware and kitchen utensils. This code does not cover purchases for resale or redistribution. (See the 6XXXX series of account codes).
20401 Minor Buildings (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for buildings that do not meet the $100,000 threshold criteria for capitalization; including pole barns, sheds, small warehouses, greenhouses, and similar types. For buildings with cost exceeding $100,000, see 40501-Buildings.
02.11B Agricultural Related Services & Supplies (21XXX)
21007 Animals (Non-Capitalized)
Expenditures for animals purchased for research or instructional purposes. Excludes livestock purchases that must be capitalized (see account code 40102 - Livestock). Use 20102 - General Operating Supplies or 20103 - Laboratory Supplies, for non-vertebrae lab animals as appropriate.
21008 Animal Care (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the care, feeding and maintenance of animals by others.
21042 Veterinary Biologicals
Expenditures for vaccines and other products used for prevention of disease in animals.
21043 Veterinary Medications
Expenditures for antibiotics, drugs, salves, physics, and other medicinal products used in the treatment of animal diseases.
21050 Fertilizers
Expenditures for plant fertilizers.
21051 Plant Materials
Expenditures for materials used in the growing of plants.
21053 Soil & Soil Media
Expenditures for soils and soil media such as pumice, vermiculite, perlite, peat moss, etc.
21055 Feeds-Grain
Expenditures for grain used as animal feed.
21056 Feeds-Hay & Straw
Expenditures for hay and straw used as animal feed.
21057 Feeds-Concentrates
Expenditures for animal feed concentrates.
21060 Chemicals-Herbicides
Expenditures for chemical herbicides used in the control of weeds and unwanted vegetation.
21061 Chemicals-Pesticides
Expenditures for chemical pesticides or insecticides used in the control of unwanted pests and insects.
21062 Chemicals-Other
Expenditures for chemicals other than herbicides and pesticides, such as fungicides.
21065 Agricultural Gases & Liquids
Expenditures for agricultural gases and liquids.
21069 Irrigation Supplies
Expenditures for irrigation supplies purchases.
21070 Agricultural Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for custom combining, plowing and similar activities.
02.11C Communications and Postage & Shipping (220XX & 225XX)
22010 Telecom Recurring Charges
Charges that occur monthly usually in fixed amounts which are automatically billed through the TCMS system. Examples are white page listings and external customer telephone lines.
22012 Telecom One-Time or Usage Charges
Charges applied on a one-time basis (one-time is defined as manual entry of amount based on the vendor invoice) or usage telephone charges that are passed on to the customer from an external vendor/long distance carrier. This includes monthly pass- through charges from vendors.
22013 Cellular Telephone Expense
All costs associated with the use of a cellular phone, including taxes.
22016 Network Communications Expense
Data networks, internet access, and related computer communications charges. This code differs from 22010 which is for telephone circuit or line charges. This includes invoices for internet services.
22051 Communications Allowance
Communications Allowance paid to qualified employees for using their personal cellular telephone or other communication device as required by their position or their employment contract.
22099 Miscellaneous Communications
Expenditures that cannot otherwise be coded within this section.
22502 Postage
Includes postage meter charges, purchase of postage stamps and payments made to the U.S. Post Office for the receipt or forwarding of mail.
22503 Mailing Service - Includes Postage
Cost of mailing services requiring additional handling by Mailing Services staff. Includes both postage and labor. Additional handling includes inserting, labeling, sorting, and address list management.
22505 Express Mail (tax reportable)
Expenses for special courier and express mail services.
22511 Freight/Moving-Not Employee Related (tax reportable)
Expenses incurred from shipping or receiving materials, supplies and equipment. This code covers all expenses incurred for moving owned and non-owned equipment between locations. When equipment costing more than $5000 is purchased, if freight or express charges exceed $25, use account code 40101 - Equipment, for the total expenditure. The total expenditure is included in the capitalized cost of the equipment.
22521 Delivery Service
Expenses incurred for internal delivery service.
22531 Shuttle Bus Service
Charges for transporting mail by state shuttle bus.
22599 Miscellaneous Postage & Shipping
Postage and shipping expenses not accounted for in other accounts.
02.11D Facilities & Utilities Related (230XX, 233XX, 235XX, and 240XX)
23001 Electricity - General
Expenditures for electrical usage. This expense classification applies whether the power was generated internally or purchased from an outside utility.
23002 Pressurized Gas- General
Gases used -- regardless of type (natural, butane, propane, etc.) -- for heating or to generate steam or electricity for heat. This code does not cover motor fuels such as gasoline (see account code 20252 - Automotive Fuels/Lubricants). For gases used for instructional or research purposes, for which the amount can be identified, use account 20103 - Laboratory Supplies.
23003 Conveyance Fee-Natural Gas
Fee paid for the conveyance of natural gas through a pipeline.
23004 Steam
Charges for steam only. This code should not be used to classify amounts paid to purchase fuel for steam generating. In those cases for which the steam is identifiable as solely for instruction or research and is not used for heating purposes, refer to account code 20103 (Laboratory Supplies).
23005 Hogged Fuel
Hogged fuel (wood chips) purchased for heating or for the generation of steam used for heating.
23010 Water
Water purchased for domestic or agricultural use. This code does not cover distilled or specially treated water, both of which are supply items.
23011 Chilled Water
Charges for chilled water billed to users, including bottled water purchased for drinking. This account code should not be used to classify amounts paid to purchase utilities for the generation of chilled water.
23012 Sewage
Amounts paid to local sewage districts for sewage assessments. This code does not apply to tax assessments that might be levied on university rental property by sewage districts (see account code 28703 (Taxes and Licenses)).
23013 Storm Drain Runoff
To record charges for on and off-site storm drain runoff expenses, including any credits or rewards earned for on-site runoff control programs or projects.
23023 Electricity- Other Costs
To record other costs associated with the provision of electricity, e.g., local, state, and federal taxes; as well as any other fees levied by the utility provider that are in addition to the supply and transmission and distribution costs.
23032 Pressurized Gas- Distribution & Delivery
To record costs charged for the distribution and delivery of gases.
23033 Pressurized Gas- Other Costs
To record other costs associated with the provision of gases, e.g., local, state, and federal taxes; as well as any other fees levied by the utility provider that are in addition to supply and distribution/delivery.
23099 Miscellaneous Utilities
Expenditures for utility services that cannot otherwise be classified.
23301 Garbage (tax reportable)
Payments for garbage disposal services purchased from others.
23310 Infectious Waste Disposal (tax reportable)
Expenditures for infectious waste disposal services purchased from outside vendors.
23311 Hazardous Waste On Site Disposal (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the controlled on-site disposal of any solid, liquid or contained gaseous material that could cause injury; cause death or damage; or pollute land, air or water.
23312 Hazardous Waste - Off-Site Disposal (tax reportable)
Expenditures of the controlled shipment of any solid, liquid or contained gaseous material that could cause injury; cause death or damage; or pollute land, air or water.
23313 Biological Waste Disposal (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the controlled disposal of any material that may contain pathogens -- either human or animal -- that might enter the community at large.
23314 Radiological Waste Disposal (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the disposal of materials controlled by the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Radiation Control Section of the State Health Division.
23370 Recycling Expense (tax reportable)
Recycling Expense (Tax reportable)
23501 Equipment Maintenance & Repairs (tax reportable)
Expenses incurred for minor equipment repairs and maintenance not covered by a maintenance contract. (Minor repairs do not extend the life of the equipment.) This code does not cover modifications that increase the value of the equipment by more than $5000 (see account code 40101 - Equipment). It also excludes expenses charged to Unexpended Plant Fund Operating Reserves. (See account code 23505 -Major Reconditioning of Equipment.)
23502 Building Maintenance & Repairs (tax reportable)
Expenditures for building maintenance and repairs. This code covers alterations, space rearrangements and renovations that do not increase the value of the building by more than $100,000. For additional guidance in distinguishing major improvements from maintenance and repair see Fiscal Policy Manual 55.100 Appendix .715 (See account code 40501 - Buildings). Building maintenance expenses covered by maintenance contracts are excluded (see account code 23511 - Contract Maintenance and Repair - Buildings).
23503 Grounds Maintenance & Repairs (tax reportable)
Expenditures related to campus and grounds maintenance including fence repair or replacement. This code covers expenses for materials, minor landscaping and non-contract services. Expenditures for landscaping projects not considered replacements and exceeding $5,000 are not included (see account code 40401 - Improvements Other Than Buildings). This code also excludes expenditures covered by maintenance contracts (see account code 23512 - Contracts Maintenance and Repair - Grounds).
23504 Information Technology (IT) Equipment Maintenance/Repair (tax reportable)
Expenditures for repair and servicing of IT equipment including computers and printers. For purchase of parts, use account 20250 - Parts - Auto & Equipment.
23505 Major Reconditioning of Equipment (tax reportable)
Expenditures for major reconditioning of an inventoried piece of equipment. The reconditioning must extend the useful life of the equipment by more than two years. This code is used primarily with Unexpended Plant Fund Operating Reserves but may be used with other funds. Examples include reupholstery of furniture or purchase of a new tractor engine.
23506 Ship/Vessel Maintenance and Repair (tax reportable)
Expenditures for normal maintenance and repairs to research vessels.
23507 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs (tax reportable)
Expenditures for normal maintenance and repairs to vehicles.
23510 Contract Maintenance/Repair-Equipment (tax reportable)
Expenditures for equipment maintenance covered by maintenance contracts. Contract services are generally performed by non-institutional personnel, either as individuals or as representatives of a commercial firm. This code covers expenditures for maintenance contract materials and outside labor billed on the same invoice.
23511 Contract Maintenance/Repair-Building (tax reportable)
Building maintenance performed under contract and paid to non-institutional personnel or companies. This code covers alterations, space rearrangements and renovations that do not increase the value of the building by more than $100,000, or that do not increase the value of the building by more than 20% of the total cost of the building when the total project cost is greater than $100,000 (see account code 40501 - Buildings).
23512 Contract Maintenance/Repair-Grounds (tax reportable)
Grounds maintenance expenditures for labor and materials covered by maintenance contracts with non-institutional individuals or companies. Includes fence repair or replacement. Landscaping projects that are not considered replacements and exceed $50,000 are capitalized (see account code 40401 - Improvements Other Than Buildings).
23513 Software Maintenance Contracts/Services (tax reportable)
Payments to a vendor for a contract for software maintenance and repair services. Maintenance and repair services may or may not be covered by a contract.
23514 Information Technology (IT) Hardware Maintenance Contracts (tax reportable)
Expenditures for Information Technology hardware maintenance covered by maintenance contracts. Contract services are generally performed by non-institutional personnel, either as individuals or as a representative of a commercial firm.This code covers expenditures for maintenance contract materials and outside labor billed on the same invoice.
23520 Physical Plant Supplies
Expenditures for supplies used in daily physical plant operations. This code does not cover items purchased for storerooms or inventories for resale or redistribution (see the 6XXXX series of account codes).
23521 Chemicals Maintenance
Expenditures for chemicals used in maintenance (e.g., for boiler water treatment, cleaning and lubrication).
23530 Custodial Non-Contract (tax reportable)
Expenditures for janitorial and housekeeping services such as cleaning, dusting, waxing, polishing, window washing and trash removal. This code excludes custodial services provided by an outside contractor (see account code 23531 - Custodial - Contract).
23531 Custodial - Contract (tax reportable)
Expenditures for janitorial and housekeeping services performed under contracts with non-institutional persons or companies.
23535 Custodial Supplies
Expense for supplies customarily used for custodial services. These would include cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.
23599 Miscellaneous Maintenance & Repairs (tax reportable)
Expenditures for maintenance and repairs that cannot otherwise be coded within this section.
24020 Film Rentals (tax reportable)
Expenditures for media rentals such as DVD's and film.
24052 Housing Rental - Non-Employee (tax reportable)
Expenditures for rental of a temporary residence for a non-employee who is working on a project away from his or her home station. The payment is made to, or on behalf of, the non-employee. For payment of utilities connected with this type of rental, use 23080 - Utilities and Maintenance - Non-Employee.
24053 Storage Rentals/Fees (tax reportable)
Expenditures for self-storage units and storage charges for OSU business related reasons.
24101 Non-Information Technology (IT) Equipment Rentals (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the use/rental of non-IT equipment (see account code 24102 IT Equipment Rentals) for agreements lasting one year or less. This code does not cover vehicle rentals for employees on travel assignments (see the 39XXX series of account codes).
24102 Information Technology (IT) Equipment Rentals (tax reportable)
Expenditures for use/rental of all electronic IT equipment and accessories for agreements lasting one year or less.
24103 Non-SBITA Software Subscription
This account is used for subscriptions to software that do not meet GASB 96 criteria. Contact the Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) unit if you're unsure about whether software meets GASB 96. Use 24203 - SBITA Software Subscription for software that meets GASB 96, and 24202 - Software Purchased/Owned for purchases of software that allow for indefinite perpetual use.
24150 Land Rentals (tax reportable)
Expenditures for land rentals of non-OUS owned property.
24151 Building Rentals (tax reportable)
Expenditures for building rentals where no lease agreement exists. Generally short-term in nature. Includes rental of research space, facilities for employee retreats and meetings. Does not include rental of Conference Facilities (see 28606 - Conference Facilities).
24199 Miscellaneous Rentals (tax reportable)
Rental expenditures that cannot otherwise be classified as land, building, equipment, or software rentals.
24201 Equipment Leases (tax reportable)
Expenditures for noncancelable Equipment leases that legally obligate OSU for periods lasting more than one year. This code does NOT cover leases with no cost or nominal amounts, month-to-month terms, or internal leases. Please use the 241xx account series for those.
24203 SBITA Software Subscription
Account for software subscription expense related to Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITA) per GASB 96. Post software expenses that don't meet GASB 96 criteria to account 24103 Software Rental Costs.
24204 Lease Operating Expense (tax reportable)
To record lease operating expenses such as maintenance and repairs, utilities, property taxes, and insurance OSU pays to landlords for leases that meet GASB 87 criteria. These charger must be separately recorded from base rent lease payments.
24250 Land Leases (tax reportable)
Expenditures for noncancelable Land leases that legally obligate OSU for periods lasting more than one year. This code does NOT cover leases with no cost or nominal amounts, month-to-month terms, or internal leases. Please use the 241xx account series for those.
24251 Building/Space Leases (tax reportable)
Expenditures for noncancelable Building and Space leases that legally obligate OSU for periods lasting more than one year. This code does NOT cover leases with no cost or nominal amounts, month-to-month terms, or internal leases. Please use the 241xx account series for those.
24252 Improv Other Than Bldgs Leases-IOTB (tax reportable)
Expenditures for noncancelable Improvements other than building (IOTB) leases that legally obligate OSU for periods lasting more than one year. Please consult the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit before posting transactions to this account. This code does NOT cover leases with no cost or nominal amounts, month-to-month terms, or internal leases. Please use the 241xx account series for those.
24253 Infrastructure Leases (tax reportable)
Expenditures for noncancelable Infrastruture leases that legally obligate OSU for periods lasting more than one year. Please consult the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit before posting transactions to this account. This code does NOT cover leases with no cost or nominal amounts, month-to-month terms, or internal leases. Please use the 241xx account series for those.
24260 Lease Incentive Expense (tax reportable)
Incentive expenditures paid by OSU to a lessee for noncancelable Infrastruture leases that legally obligate OSU for periods lasting more than one year. Please consult the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit before posting transactions to this account. This code does NOT cover leases with no cost or nominal amounts, month-to-month terms, or internal leases. Please use the 241xx account series for those.
24265 SBITA Incentive Expense
Account for incentive expense related to Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITA) per GASB 96. Consult with Financial Accounting and Reporting before posting transactions to this account.
24266 SBITA Termination Penalty
Account for lease term penalty expense related to Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITA) per GASB 96. Consult with Financial Accounting and Reporting before posting transactions to this account.
24298 Variable Lease Expense (tax reportable)
To record variable lease expense, such as a percentage of sales generated by OSU that has to be paid to the landlord/lessor when OSU is the lessee and the lease meets GASB 87 criteria. Consult with FAR before posting to this account.
02.11E Fees & Services (245XX-249XX)
24501 Accounting Service (tax reportable)
Accounting services purchased from others.
24502 Legal Service (tax reportable)
Legal services purchased from others. For the payment of Attorney's fees of $600 or more paid in the course of business. This amount is included on form 1099, box 7, Non-Employee Compensation. For payment in lieu of litigation see account code 28713, for payments as the result of litigation see account code 28714. For charges resulting from legal consulting for instructional purposes (see account code 24599 - Other Professional Services).
24503 Data/Word Processing Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for data processing services purchased from others.
24504 Auditing Services (tax reportable)
Expenses directly related to acquiring auditing services.
24505 Performance Fees (tax reportable)
Expenditures for concerts and other entertainment functions.
24506 Trustee Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures to trustees for administering the affairs of the entrusted asset.
24507 Management Consulting Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for consulting, management and training services provided by vendors.
24508 Departmental Development Costs
Development Office costs that are allocated to departments.
24509 Guest Speaking Services (tax reportable)
A payment issued to non-employees or external companies in exchange for the performance of speaking services, such as speaking at an event. Examples include speaking fees, honoraria, commencement, workshop presentations, guest lecturer, etc.
24510 Laundry & Dry Cleaning (tax reportable)
Expenditures for laundry and dry cleaning.
24511 Plant Care Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for plant care and maintenance services performed by outside entity.
24513 Patent Legal Servies-Reimbursable (tax reportable)
Patent legal servies purchased from others but cannot be reimbursed by Licensee. See 24502 for Legal Services expenses unrelated to Patents; see 244514 for Patent Legal Servies-Nonreimbursable.
24514 Patent Legal Svcs-Nonreimbursable (tax reportable)
Patent legal servies purchased from others but cannot be reimbursed by Licensee. See 24502 for Legal Servies expenses unrelated to Patents; see 24513 for Patent Legal Services-Reimbursable.
24520 Security Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for police patrol and watch services performed by others. Includes such services obtained from -- and billed by -- other campus departments such as a Physical Plant.
24526 Web Design Services (tax reportable)
Expenses for contractual web design services.
24530 Contract Personnel Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for short-term personnel services provided on a contractual basis by a commercial firm (e.g. Kelly temporary Services, Manpower, and St. Vincent de Paul). Such persons are not employees and do not receive a salary from OSU.
24531 Contract Educational Services (tax reportable)
Payments to non-OSU entities to provide instruction related services to students on a study abroad program or other educational opportunity not available at OSU.
24535 Broadcast Program Services (tax reportable)
Expenses for purchase of material, live or recorded, for broadcast by an institution-sponsored radio or television station.
24540 Contract Course
Lump-sum payments to non-OUS institutions for teaching OUS courses.
24545 Dispute Resolution Services (tax reportable)
Costs associated with utilizing alternative means for dispute resolution. Costs include, but are not limited to, case assessment, dispute resolution system design, mediation, negotiated rulemaking, and conflict management skills training. Derived from 1994 House Bill 3427 and 1995-97 Budget and Legislative Proposal Instructions.
24550 Forest Management Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for contractual forest management services including logging and maintenance services in OUS-owned forests.
24560 VISA/Passport Processing Fees
Expenditures for required VISA or Passport application or renewal processing fees for travel to or from foreign countries.
24561 Background Verification Fees
Individuals seeking to obtain employment or to provide service as an unclassified employee (academic, research and administrative faculty), classified employee (staff members), graduate assistant (graduate research and teaching assistants), student employee, or volunteer shall be subject to background checks. Includes costs related to background verification fees.
24595 Non-Resident Alien Professional Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for professional services provided by individuals who are classed as non-resident aliens for tax-reporting purposes.
24599 Other Professional Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for professional or technical consulting advice, for general or instructional lectures and for services of officials for athletic games.
24601 Binding Expense (tax reportable)
Binding service performed by others.
24602 Duplicating & Copying Expense (tax reportable)
Duplicating and copying performed by others.
24604 Photo Services/Processing (tax reportable)
Photography services performed by others.
24605 Microfilming/Processing (tax reportable)
Microfilming services performed by others.
24606 Printing & Publishing (tax reportable)
Printing and publishing service performed by others. This code excludes duplicating and copying (see account code 24602 (Duplicating and Copying).
24607 Typesetting Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for typesetting, paste-up and plate making by off-campus vendors or other campus departments.
24608 Graphic Design Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for graphic design services.
24609 Professional Photography Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for professional photography services.
24610 Video Production Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the services of professional video production.
24611 Advertising-Personnel Recruitment/Public Notice (tax reportable)
Services provided by others, for advertising designed to recruit faculty/staff personnel to the institution, request bids for the procurement of goods and services, or furnish public notices regarding contract/grant awards, sponsored agreements, and financial matters.
24612 Business Advertising and Promotions (tax reportable)
Media and similar services including advertising and promotions specifically for departmental business purposes are recorded under this code. Examples are media expenses directed toward recruiting students, promoting student services, and announcing public service events. Expenses posted to this account code relate to activities having the purpose of generating revenue/business from exchange transactions, i.e., tuition, fees, and similar sources of revenue. All costs associated with fund raising and public relations must be posted to account code 28613 Public Relations/Fund Raising.
24615 Engraving Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for engraving services. For purchase of engraved awards, see 20168 - Awards.
24616 Editing Services (tax reportable)
Expense directly related to securing editing services.
24617 Non-Medical Laboratory Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for non-medical laboratory services. (See account 25101 for laboratory services that are medical in nature.)
24618 Vessel Operations User Fees
Charges for day rate use fees of OSU operated vessels.
24701 Appraisal Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for appraisals purchased from others.
24702 Engineering & Architectural Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for engineering and architectural services purchased from others. If services are purchased in connection with a capitalized asset, such as equipment, a building or infrastructure, see 4xxxx series of accounts.
24703 Environmental Laboratory Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures for analysis of elements related to an employee's work environment (i.e. asbestos, air quality, drinking water, etc.).
24704 Construction Permits & Fees
Expenditures for building permits, water and sewer hook-up fees, inspection fees and other fees connected with construction. If services are purchased in connection with a capitalized asset, such as equipment, a building or infrastructure, see 4xxxx series of accounts.
24705 Conditional Use/Planning Fees
Expenditures for conditional land use fees, planning (approval) fees, sign fees, parking lot fees, etc. If services are purchased in connection with a capitalized assets, such equipment, a building or infrastructure, see 4xxxx series of accounts.
24801 Parking Permit
Expenditures for authorized parking permits for non-employees, including guests of the institution and/or department-assigned vehicles.
24802 Reserved Parking Space
Expenditures for reserved parking spaces paid by institutional funds for non-employee-specific uses.
24903 Student Organization Internal Support Charge
Subsidy or support for a non-exchange transaction. This represents the use of University funds (E&G, auxiliary, or M2) from an OSU department/unit providing financial support to the agency fund (9xxxxx) of a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) in accordance with requirements in FIS policy.
24910 Vehicle & Equipment Use Charge
Expenditures for the transportation and use of vehicles and equipment from an equipment pool.
24995 Construction Contract Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for non-capitalized construction contract services purchased from others. If services are purchased in connection with a capitalized asset, such as equipment, a building or infrastructure, see 4xxxx series of accounts.
24998 Other Fees & Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for fees or services that cannot otherwise be classified and which are tax reportable.
24999 Miscellaneous Fees & Services
Miscellaneous Fees and Services
02.11F Medical & Scientific Services & Supplies (25XXX)
25001 Pharmaceuticals
Costs of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical supplies.
25002 Blood & Blood Products
Expenditures for blood and blood products for transfusions, including plasma and albumin.
25003 Intravenous (IV) Solutions & Supplies
Expenditures for intravenous fluids and for supplies necessary for their administration.
25004 Anesthetic Materials
Costs of gaseous and volatile agents used in inhalation anesthesia, such as cyclopropane, fluorothane, halothane, nitrous oxide, ether and chloroform.
25010 Oxygen & Other Compressed Gases
Costs of gases other than anesthesia gases (see account code 25004 (Anesthetic Materials)). This code includes gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide mixtures used in the treatment of patients. It also includes oxygen used to drive equipment such as fog generators and atomizers.
25012 Laboratory Reagents
Expenditures for reagents used in hospital clinical laboratories. This code includes bacteriological media, pre-made reagents, raw chemicals, standards and quality control specimens.
25020 Radioactive Materials
Costs of radioactive materials used for medical or scientific purposes.
25021 Radiology Films (tax reportable)
Costs of radiological films.
25022 Radiology Procedures & Readings (tax reportable)
Payments to radiologists for taking and interpreting X-rays.
25030 Dressing Materials
Expenditures for bandages, adhesive tape, cotton and other materials used in hospitals and clinics for applying dressings.
25031 Sutures
Expenditures for sutures.
25040 Syringes & Needles
Expenditures for syringes and needles used in hospitals and clinics.
25041 Glassware Medical/Scientific
Expenditures for thermometers and miscellaneous glassware used in hospitals and clinics.
25042 Rubber & Plastic Supplies Medical/Scientific
Expenditures for catheters, tubing and miscellaneous rubber and plastic supplies used in hospitals and clinics.
25044 Specialty Cleaning Supplies
Expenditures for disinfectants, cleaners, reagents and other solutions used for cleaning applications in hospitals and clinics.
25046 Vaccines
Expenditures for vaccines used in hospitals and clinics.
25051 Appliances Braces (tax reportable)
Expenditures for the manufacture, fitting or repair of orthopedic braces.
25099 Other Medical/Scientific Materials & Supplies
Supplies not otherwise classified that are consumed by infirmaries or hospitals for the treatment of patients. This code includes athletic training room supplies. It excludes materials chargeable to patients on a per-item basis, and it excludes materials for instructional or research purposes (see account codes 20102 (General Operating Supplies) and 20103 (Laboratory Supplies)).
25101 Laboratory Services (tax reportable)
Payments to licensed laboratories for diagnostic laboratory tests, analysis, specialized reports, etc., that are medical in nature. (See account 24617 for non-medical laboratory services.)
25108 Drug Testing Service (tax reportable)
Expenditures directly related to conducting tests and analyses for determining presence of illicit substances. This code is used primarily for NCAA-required testing.
25110 Hospitalization-Inpatient (tax reportable)
Expenditures made for hospitalization, medication and treatment of patients confined to an infirmary or hospital.
25111 Hospitalization-Outpatient (tax reportable)
Expenditures made in the course of treating patients who are not confined to an infirmary or hospital.
25119 Rehabilitation - Outpatient (tax reportable)
Expenditures for rehabilitative care for patients who are not kept overnight.
25120 Medical Services (tax reportable)
Payments to medical doctors for professional services as well as payments for hospital charges.
25122 Surgical Services (tax reportable)
Payments to medical doctors for the performance of surgical procedures.
25123 Anesthesia Services (tax reportable)
Payments to medical doctors or anesthetists for the administration of anesthesia during surgery.
25124 General Dental Services (tax reportable)
Payments to dentists for general dental care.
25126 Psychological Services (tax reportable)
Payments to psychologists for psychological evaluation and therapy.
25127 Physical Therapy (tax reportable)
Payments to registered physical therapists or medical doctors for physical therapy services.
25135 Agency Nurse Fee (tax reportable)
Payments to private agencies who provide temporary nursing services.
25140 Research Subjects (tax reportable)
This code concerns payment to persons who contribute to research projects, but are not required to perform personal services. This includes: (1) those who contribute blood or other human specimens, (2) those who contribute time to be a subject of research projects and (3) the costs of gift certificates. (see also 20190 - Testing Group Incentives)
25150 Electrocardiogram (EKG) Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for electrocardiograms for patients.
25151 Electroencephalogram (EEG) Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for electroencephalograms for patients.
25152 Echo Cardiogram (tax reportable)
Expenditures for echocardiograms for patients.
25199 Other Medical/Scientific Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for medical and scientific services not otherwise categorized.
02.11G Assessments (280XX-284XX)
28002 Department of Justice Services
This charge pays for charges assessed by the State Attorney General's Office. The assessment is based on an hourly rate.
28003 Secretary of State Audit Assessment
This assessment pays for the Secretary of State Audits Division audit costs. The assessment is allocated to the institutions based on expenditures.
28020 Central Government Service Charge
This assessment pays for general administrative costs associated with indirect services provided by the Legislative assembly, Legislative Counsel Committee, Governor's Office, and the Secretary of State Archives Division. DAS charges the assessment based on FTE. The assessment is allocated by OUS to institutions' Service Departments and Auxiliary Enterprise funds based on total payroll expenses.
28028 State Treasury Banking Service Charge
This assessment pays for Oregon State Treasury banking transaction fees.
28034 Secretary of State Archives Assessment
This assessment pays for the usage of the State Archives Division facility and is based on projected expenditures divided by estimated occupancy rate.
28036 Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Geographic Information System Assessment
This assessment is charged by DAS to state agencies to pay for the maintenance of the state's investment in shared Geographic Information System. DAS uses a tiered approach to charge the assessment. OUS is categorized as a tier one agency. DAS charges the assessment based on an agency's tier and FTE. OUS will distribute the assessment to OUS institutions based on Budgeted Operations payroll expense.
28062 Oregon Ethics Commission Assessment
The assessment for the Oregon Government Ethics Commission is apportioned among state agencies based on the number of full-time equivalent employees budgeted by the agency. This is a new assessment for 2009-11, as authorized and directed by the 2007 Legislature.The total amount charged in Table 2-5 was calculated for the state agency share of the Oregon Government Ethics Commission's budget. From this amount, 100 percent of the total amount is based on full-time equivalent positions. The FTE counts listed were provided by the Department of Administrative Services.
28072 Emerging Small Business
This assessment is charged to pay for the administration of the Department of Consumer and Business Services' certification of Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Businesses and the Governor's Advocate operations for policy and outreach efforts. The assessment is based on non-federal, full-time equivalent position authority of all state agencies. OUS will distribute this assessment to institutions based on total Services and Supplies expenses in Budgeted Operations, Designated Operations, Service Department and Auxiliary funds in the prior fiscal year.
28078 BOLI Prevailing Wage Rate Fee
This assessment is due to the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Prevailing Wage Rate Unit for every contract awarded to a contractor for a public work which is regulated under the Prevailing Wage Rate Unit. The fee is equal to one tenth of one percent (.001) of the contract price but must be no less than $100 and no more than $5,000 regardless of the contract price. For further information see OAR 839-025.
28101 University Shared Services Enterprise (USSE) Operations Assessment
Assessments to Auxiliary Activities and State-wide Public Service Divisions for administrative services provided to OSU by USSE and then redistributed.
28105 OUS Information Technology Services (ITS) Assessment
Assessment for Information Technology Services services provided to regional universities. ITS services include Banner system support, data warehouse, technical support and other projects unique to the regional universities. This is an annual, flat-rate, assessment.
28151 Pooled Investment Fund Assessment
28152 Retirement Plan Management Assessment
28160 Risk Mangement General Liability Pool Assessment
Assessment paid by pool participants to fund general liability portion of the Oregon University System self-insurance pool.
28161 Risk Management Property Pool Assessment
Assessment paid by pool participants to fund property self-insurance portion of the Oregon University System self-insurance pool.
28162 Risk Management - Auto Pool Assessment
Assessment paid by pool participants to fund automobile self-insurance portion of the Oregon University System self-insurance pool.
28201 Administrative & Support Service Charge
The allocation of general administrative and support service costs to a sub-unit.
28202 Building Use Overhead Charge
Used to record the Building Use Allowance portion of indirect costs charged to service departments subject to full-costing requirements specified by A-110 federal guidelines.
28203 Operation & Maintenance of Physical Plant
Used to record the Operation and Maintenance of the Physical Plant portion of the indirect costs charged to service departments subject to full-costing requirements specified by A-110 federal guidelines.
28204 General Administration Overhead Charge
Used to record the General Administration portion of indirect costs charged to service departments subject to full-costing requirements specified by A-110 federal guidelines.
28205 Climate Action Plan Assessment
Climate Action Plan Assessment
28400 Other Assessments
Minor miscellaneous assessments not otherwise specified.
02.11H Employee Related and 1099 Reportable Expenses (285XX)
28502 Overtime Meal Allowance
Expenditures for meals for employees who are required to work two or more hours before or after their regular work shift.
28510 Moving Expense - Non-Employee (Taxable) (tax reportable)
Taxable payments for expenses related to a non-employee's change of residence. It applies to both transfers and moving. It includes per diem and transportation expenses for pre-move house hunting trips; all meal expense reimbursements; costs associated with either the sale or purchase of a residence; and all reimbursed expenses if the move is less than 50 miles. See 107xx for employee moving expenses.
28520 Disbursement of Wages to Survivor (tax reportable)
Disbursements of a deceased employee's salaries, wages and accrued vacation to the estate of the deceased.
28521 Early Retirement-Health Care (tax reportable)
Expenditure to a Plan Administrator on behalf of participants in the Early Retirement Incentive Program. The amount may not exceed the employer's health insurance contribution in accordance with the OUS Faculty Early Retirement Incentive Plans and Transition Services Guidelines document.
28531 Royalty Payments (tax reportable)
Payments to faculty, staff or sponsoring entities for their share of royalty proceeds.
28533 Bicycle Commuter Reimbursement
Reimbursement to a regular employee (not sutdent or temporary employee) for reasonable bicycle commuter expenses, up to a maximum of $20 per month and supported by a copy of the receipt fo the incurred expense. The reimbursement is excludable from employee gross income and is not W-2 reportable. Refer to OUS fiscal policy 66.100 for additional information.
28547 Insurance Benefits - Non-Employable (Reportable) (tax reportable)
Payments made on behalf of non-employee subject workers for tax reportable insurance benefits.
28555 Employee Assistance - Contract Services (tax reportable)
Expenditures for employee assistance programs such as mental health counseling.
28590 Federal Work Study Program - Off-Campus Cost Share
Expenditures for cost sharing and indirect costs of Federal Work-Study student expenses for students employed off campus.
02.11I Conferences, Entertainment, etc. (286XX)
28601 Conference Registration Fees
Expenditures for conference, convention and other meeting registration fees for attendance. This code may be used for the total registration fee, including any meals, lodging or incidental expenses that are part of the fee. Meals and lodging expenses incurred during travel when not included in the conference fee should be recorded in the appropriate travel account code 39xxx. For training-related registration fees or tuition, see accounts 290xx - (See revenue accounts 064xx for recording conference income when hosting conferences.)
28602 Conference Housing
Costs of housing when paid as part of conference fees. Use this code for recording expenses incurred for housing attendees when hosting a conference. (See account 28601 for cost incurred when attending a conference.) (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary)
28603 Conference Meals
Costs of meals which are usually catered and served during conferences and workshops. These meal costs are ordinarily included in the conference fee. Use this code for recording meal expenses incurred when hosting a conference. ((See account 28601 for cost incurred when attending a conference.) (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary)
28604 Conference Refreshments
Costs of food, drinks and supplies for refreshment breaks during conferences, workshops and non-departmental special trips. This code is only for such costs not included in the conference fee. Use this code for recording refreshment expenses incurred when hosting a conference. (See account 28601 for cost incurred when attending a conference.) (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary)
28605 Conference Events
Costs of optional conference events not included as part of the basic conference fee. These costs may include meals, parties and special trips. Use this code for recording event expenses incurred when hosting a conference. (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary)
28606 Conference Facilities (tax reportable)
Costs of rental of conference facilities. Use this code for recording facility rental expenses incurred when hosting a conference. Also includes rental of AV equipment and other items required for the conference. (See section 13.01C[3], Conference/Workshop Expenses - Executive Office Approval Unnecessary)
28610 Entertainment
Costs incurred for amusement, diversion, social activities entertainment and any related items (e.g., tickets to shows or sporting events, meals, lodging, rentals, transportation and gratuities). (See account code 28612 - Hosting Groups and Guests.)
28611 Food & Refreshments
Expenditures for non-alcoholic beverages and food served at business, instructional or informational meetings where attendees are OSU employees. This includes formal training, staff retreats and employee working meals. Appropriate business purpose and justification for serving food at the function is required. Meals or refreshments for regularly scheduled departmental meetings are not allowable expenses.
28612 Hosting Groups & Guests
Authorized expenditures for non-alcoholic beverages and food served in connection with the hosting of group gatherings or official guests of the institution for purposes of instruction and technical information dissemination. This includes faculty/staff/student recruiting, hosting of visiting scientists and guest speakers, advisory board meetings, and focus group sessions. Similar expenses for OSU-sponsored conferences are charged to account code 28603 or 28604 (Conference Meals or Refreshments). See Fiscal Policy Manual 410-05 Hosting Groups and Official Guests for further information and definitions.
28613 Public Relations/Fund Raising
This account includes costs of events and activities associated with efforts to generate university resources and engage in institutional promotional activities and with public relations. All fundraising, public relations and other community activity costs are posted to this account. Expenses posted to this account code relate to activities having the purpose of generating revenue/business from non-exchange transactions, i.e., gifts, donations, developmental funds and similar sources of revenue. Note: Expenses that fall under this account code that are expected to be reimbursed by OSUF, must be sent to the foundation as a direct payment request.
28614 Event Tickets
Expenditures for event tickets purchased from departments within the institution, for example tickets to shows or sporting events.
28620 Non-Stipend Room & Board
Payments to families, rooming houses and dormitories on behalf of students for room and board charges that are direct program costs rather than student aid. Use this code when a lump-sum program fee includes room and board (e.g., overseas studies).
28630 Non OSU Participant Support - Tuition/Registration
Participant support for non-OSU students and employees for tuition or registration fees paid to non-OSU entities and are supported by receipts.
28631 Non OSU Participant Support - Other
Miscellaneous participant support costs for non-OSU students and employees documented by receipts. Do not use this code for expenditures related to tuition, registration fees, room & board, books and travel related expenditures. (see specific 2863x accounts for these expenditures).
28632 Non OSU Participant Support - Non-Resident Alien (tax reportable)
Non-OSU, Non-Resident Alien participant support costs that are not documented by receipts. Code covers tuition and registrations fees, stipends, room and board, and book allowances. It excludes travel. Transactions are 1042S reportable.
28633 Non OSU Participant Support - Book Allowance
Payments made to a non-OSU participant, either as a book allowance or reimbursement of expenditures to buy books. Expenditures must be supported by receipts.
28634 Non OSU Participant Support - Room & Board
Expenditures for room and board covering charges incurred by non-OSU participants under training or research programs. The expenditure must be documented by receipts.
28635 Non OSU Participant Support - Travel Payment
Payments made on behalf of non-OSU participants for travel in connection with the objective of the fund grant. This code applies to transportation, meals, lodging, and miscellaneous travel expenses. Expenses must be documented with receipts.
28636 Non OSU Participant Support - No Receipts (tax reportable)
Non-OSU participant support costs that are not documented by receipts. Code includes tuition and registration fees, stipends, room and board, and book allowances. Transactions are 1099 reportable.
28637 Non OSU Participant Support - Foreign Source
Non-OSU, Non-Resident Alien participant support costs that are not documented by receipts. The participant never entered the United States so the payment is considered "Foreign Source Income". Code includes tuition and registration fees, stipends, room and board, and book allowances.
28638 Non-OSU Participant Support - Childcare
Expenditures for licensed childcare incurred by non-OSU participants under training or research programs. The expenditure must be documented by receipts.
28650 Trade Show/Event Fees
Expenditures related to participation in trade shows and similar events. Expenses include booth registration fees and associated costs.
28699 Other Conference/Entertainment Expenses
Expenses for conference and entertainment costs not otherwise specified.
02.11J Fiscal Management Expense (287XX)
28701 Insurance
Expenditures for insurance premiums, including life insurance, fire insurance, health insurance, hazard insurance, liability insurance, etc. Excludes Insurance Fund property assessments (see account code 28061 (Property - Insurance Fund)).
28703 Taxes & Licenses
Payments made for taxes and licenses. Sales or excise taxes that are part of the purchase of materials or services are not segregated and charged to this code.
28704 Medical Insurance-Nonemployee
Payments made for medical insurance coverage for non-employees (i.e. athletic or event insurance).
28705 Liability Insurance-Private Carrier
Payments made to a private carrier for liability insurance.
28706 Insurance Benefits - Non-Employee (Non-Reportable) (tax reportable)
Payments made on behalf of non-employee subject workers for non-tax reportable insurance benefits.
28710 Credit Card Discounts
Discounts charged when payment is accepted by credit card.
28711 Bad Debt Expense
Accounts Receivable amounts written off as uncollectible or amounts charged to establish a provision for bad debts.
28713 Settlement In Lieu of Litigation
This payment is not subject to withholding nor included as gross income to the recipients under Internal Revenue Code Section 104.
28714 Settlement as Result of Litigation (tax reportable)
For payments as the result of litigation. This account code is to be used whether or not the attorney is the exclusive payee (e.g. attorney's and claimant's names are on one check). This amount is included on form 1099, box 14 "Gross Proceeds Paid to Attorney".
28716 Risk Management Claims Reimbursement (tax reportable)
Reimbursements paid on risk insurance claims and settlement on behalf of OSU. These payments are either made directly by OSU or to a Third Party Administrator (TPA). Not to be used for Fees charged to the TPA, fees are tax reportable and accounted for on account 24599.
28721 Loss On Disposal of Asset
For losses incurred when an asset is sold at less than book value, which includes the purchase price, fees, taxes and other charges related to the purchase.
28723 Inventory Adjustment/Write-Off
To record expense or negative expense to adjust book inventory to actual physical inventory, or to write off inventory losses. (See FASOM 08.04: Fixed Assets -- Expendable Property)
28725 Trademark/Patent Registration Fee
Expenses directly related to the filing and registration of intellectual property such as trademarks, copyrights, plant protection, and patents.
28730 Medical Insurance Domestic Students
Payments made for medical insurance coverage for domestic students.
28731 Medical Insurance International Students
Payments made for medical insurance coverage for international students.
02.11K Debt/Investment Expense (288XX)
28802 Bond Principal Payment
Expenditures for principal retirement of bonds. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28803 Certificates of Participation (COPS) - Principal Payment
Debt service payments on Certificates of Participation (COPs) principal. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28804 Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) Principal Payment
Expenditures for payment of principal amounts on repayment of Oregon Department of Energy (ODE) Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) loans.
28805 Internal Bank Loan Principal Payment
Expenditures for payment of principal amounts on repayment of internal bank loans.
28808 SBITA Interest Expense
Account for interest expense related to Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITA) per GASB 96. This account is used exclusively by the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit.
28809 Loss on Investments
Actual loss on an investment that is recoded when the investment is sold. Equals the difference between the current Fair Market Value and the actual sale price.
28810 Interest Expense Miscellaneous
Expenditures for interest charges not otherwise classified (i.e. Treasury cash accounts).
28811 Interest Expense-Bond Debt Service
Expenditures for interest charges on bond debt service. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28812 Interest Expense - Certificates of Participation (COPs)
Expenditures for interest charges on Certificates of Participation (COPs). (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28813 Interest Expense - Small Energy Loan Program (SELP)
Expenditures for interest charges on Oregon Department of Energy (ODE) Small Energy Loan Program (SELP) loans.
28814 Interest Expense - Internal Bank Loans
Interest Exp - Internal Bank Loans
28815 Arbitrage Rebate
Payments to the Internal Revenue Service for interest earned in excess of allowable interest earnings on individual bond series or on certificate of participation (COPs) issues. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28816 Penalty Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate
Payments to the Internal Revenue Service as forfeitures for failure to expend bond or certificate of participation proceeds within the time period specified for each issue. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28817 Interest Expense Public University Fund (PUF) Earnings Distribution
Interest expenses distributed to OSU from the Public University Fund (PUF) when individual funds' average balance for the quarter is negative. This account code should only be used by the University Shared Services Enterprise (USSE) Office.
28819 Interest Expense - Leases
To record interest expense in the central reporting fund on lease liabilities that meet GASB 87 criteria and OSU is the lessee. This account is used exclusively by the Financial Accounting and Reporting unit.
28820 Investment Premium Amortization
The portion of an investment premium that is periodically applied (credited) to the investment in order for the investment to be reduced to face value at maturity.
28821 Certificates of Participation (COPS) Discount Premium
The difference below/above par value when Certificates of Participation (COPS) are sold. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28830 Contributions to Certificates of Participation (COPS) Debt Service
Use with Budgeted Operations, Service Department and Auxiliary Enterprise funds to record debt service contributions. (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28831 Contributions to Sinking Fund
Use with Auxiliary Enterprise funds to record Sinking Fund contributions (see account code 05215 - Sinking Fund Contributions). (FOR CONTROLLER'S DIVISION USE ONLY.)
28840 Investment Administrative Expense
To record investment administrative expense charged by a manager of specific investments in the endowment funds. This account code does not include general administrative fees associated with all investments, such as management consulting or legal fees originating from the State Treasurer's Office. For financial reporting purposes, investment admnistrative fees are reported as a reduction of investment income.
02.11L Miscellaneous Services & Supplies (289XX)
28901 Dues and Memberships - Program
Expenses for dues and memberships of administrative units or positions within organizations related to program operations. For costs associated with professional association memberships paid for training purposes or benefits, see account code 29005 - Membership - Professional Organization - Training.
28902 Membership in Civic/Community Organizations
Costs for membership in civic or community organizations such as Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, etc. For costs associated with professional association memberships paid for training purposes or benefits, see account code 29005 - Membership - Professional Organization - Training.
28903 Accreditation Fees
For recording accreditation fees.
28910 Fines & Penalties
Costs resulting from violations of, or failure to comply with, federal, state, local or foreign laws and regulations.
28911 Late Charge, Vendor Payments
Expenditures for overdue account charges to vendors.
28920 Athletic Guarantees
Contracted guarantees and gate receipt shares paid to visiting teams.
28921 Entry Fee-Competitors
Expenditures for entry or registration fees required of participants for competitive events. The fee may be for individuals or a team.
28931 Selling & Marketing Costs
Costs of selling or marketing products or services related to intellectual property or generating unrelated business income.
28935 Mailing List Purchase
Cost of purchase of mailing lists that target specific populations.
28990 Withdrawals & Advances
Amounts withdrawn from a deposit account by the depositor or any other person authorized to make withdrawals (see account code 06993 - Deposits). Funds on deposit may include student damage deposits, special camp fees which may be refunded, or student funds held on deposit for later disbursement.
28994 Reimbursement of Services & Supplies Expenses to Employees
Reimbursement to employee of out-of-pocket expense for business related services and supplies. Expenses for equipment and travel costs are not allowed. For purchase of minor equipment see 202xx series of accounts.
28995 Procurement Card Purchases
Expenditures for purchases made through the use of a procurement card. (See FASOM Section 13.11 for policies regulating the use of procurement cards.)
28996 Taxable Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements (tax reportable)
Reimbursements to employees for expenses (other than travel) that are subject to taxation and must be reported on the employee's W-2.
28997 INTO Expenditure Offset
This account code should be used for INTO transactions only. It is intended to clear or zero out all INTO incurred expenses at the time of each quarterly billing. INTO expenses are not reflected on OSU's financial statements.
28999 Miscellaneous Services & Supplies
Expenditures that cannot otherwise be classified. This code is used primarily when an expenditure does not fit one of the following categories: supplies, communications, utilities, maintenance, rentals or services.
02.11M Training (290XX)
29001 Training - Books and Publications
Costs of books, publications, and other printed material used for employee training.
29010 Training-Supplies
Cost of supplies used in conducting employee training.
29020 Training-Equipment (Non-Capitalized)
Minor equipment purchase for use in employee training.
29030 Training - Employee Online
Cost of Ed-Net facilities and services incurred for employee training.
29040 Training-Tuition/Registration Employee
Tuition and registration fees incurred for employee training.
29050 In-House Training
Costs of services and other expenses associated with employee training conducted on site or otherwise considered to be in house and conducted by an OSU employee.
29051 Inter-Agency Training - Education Instruction Service
Costs associated with employee training conducted by another agency of the State of Oregon other than OSU.
29052 Outside Training - Education Instruction Service
Costs associated with employee training services provided by an outside instructor, consultant or service.
02.11N Transfers to State of Oregon
38999 Transfer to: Other State Agencies
Transfer to Other State Agencies
02.11O Travel (391XX-397XX)
39115 Employee Travel - Domestic
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels within the U.S. for the benefit of the department or institution.
39117 Non-Employee Travel - Domestic
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels within the U.S. for the benefit of the department or institution. (OSU-specific)
39119 Group Travel - Domestic
Travel expenses incurred when an academic class takes a field trip or an athletic team travels to a sports event for competition within the U.S. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches) and students (class members, participants, or players). Note: This account cannot be used when all participants are employees.
39615 Foreign Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels out of the United States for the benefit of the department or institution.
39645 Foreign Non-Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels out of the United States for the benefit of the department or institution.
39646 Foreign Group Travel
This code should be used for group travel to, from, or within a foreign country. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches) and students (class members, participants, or players). Note: This account cannot be used when all participants are employees.
39712 Employee Travel - Taxable
Employee Travel - Taxable (W-2 Subject)
39742 Non-Employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable)
Non-employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable)
02.11P Sub-contracts & Sub-grants (399XX)
39002 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant A up to/including $25k
Sub-contract/Sub-grant A up to/incl $25k
39902 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant A up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant A up to/incl $25k
39903 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant B up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant B up to/incl $25K
39904 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant C up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant C up to/incl $25K
39905 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant D up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant D up to/incl $25K
39906 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant E up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant E up to/incl $25K
39907 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant F up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant F up to/incl $25K
39908 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant G up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant G up to/incl $25K
39909 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant H up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant H up to/incl $25K
39910 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant <=$25K prior July-01
Sub-contract/Sub-grant up to/incl $25K prior to July 1, 2001
39911 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant I up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant I up to/incl $25K
39912 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant J up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant J up to/incl $25K
39913 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant K up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant K up to/incl $25K
39914 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant L up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant L up to/incl $25K
39915 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant M up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant M up to/incl $25K
39916 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant N up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant N up to/incl $25K
39917 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant O up to/including $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant O up to/incl $25K
39920 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant >$25K prior July-01
Sub-contract/Sub-grant in excess of $25K prior to July 1, 2001
39921 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant A in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant A in excess of $25K
39922 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant B in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant B in excess of $25K
39923 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant C in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant C in excess of $25K
39924 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant D in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant D in excess of $25K
39925 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant E in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant E in excess of $25K
39926 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant F in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant F in excess of $25K
39927 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant G in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant G in excess of $25K
39928 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant H in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant H in excess of $25K
39929 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant I in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant I in excess of $25K
39932 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant J in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant J in excess of $25K
39933 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant K in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant K in excess of $25K
39934 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant L in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant L in excess of $25K
39935 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant M in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant M in excess of $25K
39936 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant N in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant N in excess of $25K
39937 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant O in Excess of $25K
Sub-contract/Sub-grant O in excess of $25K
39938 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant P up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt P up to/incl $25K
39939 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant Q up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt Q up to/incl $25K
39940 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant R up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt R up to/incl $25K
39941 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant S up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt S up to/incl $25K
39942 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant T up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt T up to/incl $25K
39943 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant U up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt U up to/incl $25K
39944 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant V up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt V up to/incl $25K
39945 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant W up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt W up to/incl $25K
39946 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant X up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt X up to/incl $25K
39947 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant Y up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt Y up to/incl $25K
39948 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant Z up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt Z up to/incl $25K
39949 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AA up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AA up to/incl $25K
39952 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AB up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AB up to/incl $25K
39953 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AC up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AC up to/incl $25K
39954 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AD up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AD up to/incl $25K
39955 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AE up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AE up to/incl $25K
39956 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AF up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AF up to/incl $25K
39957 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AG up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AG up to/incl $25K
39958 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AH up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AH up to/incl $25K
39959 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AI up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AI up to/incl $25K
39962 Sub-Contract/Sub-Grant AJ up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AJ up to/incl $25K
39963 Subcontract/Subgrant AK up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AK up to/incl $25K
39964 Subcontract/Subgrant AL up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AL up to/incl $25K
39965 Subcontract/Subgrant AM up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AM up to/incl $25K
39967 Subcontract/Subgrant AO up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AO up to/incl $25K
39968 Subcontract/Subgrant AP up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AP up to/incl $25K
39969 Subcontract/Subgrant AQ up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AQ up to/incl $25K
39970 Subcontract/Subgrant AR up to/including $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AR up to/incl $25K
39971 Subcontract/Subgrant P in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt P in Excess of $25K
39972 Subcontract/Subgrant Q in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt Q in Excess of $25K
39973 Subcontract/Subgrant R in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt R in Excess of $25K
39974 Subcontract/Subgrant S in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt S in Excess of $25K
39975 Subcontract/Subgrant T in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt T in Excess of $25K
39976 Subcontract/Subgrant U in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt U in Excess of $25K
39977 Subcontract/Subgrant V in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt V in Excess of $25K
39978 Subcontract/Subgrant W in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt W in Excess of $25K
39979 Subcontract/Subgrant X in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt X in Excess of $25K
39980 Subcontract/Subgrant Y in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt Y in Excess of $25K
39981 Subcontract/Subgrant Z in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt Z in Excess of $25K
39982 Subcontract/Subgrant AA in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AA in Excess of$25K
39983 Subcontract/Subgrant AB in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AB in Excess of$25K
39984 Subcontract/Subgrant AC in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AC in Excess of$25K
39985 Subcontract/Subgrant AD in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AD in Excess of$25K
39986 Subcontract/Subgrant AE in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AE in Excess of$25K
39987 Subcontract/Subgrant AF in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AF in Excess of$25K
39988 Subcontract/Subgrant AG in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AG in Excess of$25K
39989 Subcontract/Subgrant AH in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AH in Excess of$25K
39990 Subcontract/Subgrant AI in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AI in Excess of$25K
39991 Subcontract/Subgrant AJ in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AJ in Excess of$25K
39992 Subcontract/Subgrant AK in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AK in Excess of$25K
39993 Subcontract/Subgrant AL in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AL in Excess of$25K
39994 Subcontract/Subgrant AM in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AM in Excess of$25K
39995 Subcontract/Subgrant AN in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AN in Excess of$25K
39996 Subcontract/Subgrant AO in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AO in Excess of$25K
39997 Subcontract/Subgrant AP in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AP in Excess of$25K
39998 Subcontract/Subgrant AQ in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AQ in Excess of$25K
39999 Subcontract/Subgrant AR in Excess of $25K
Subcont/Subgrnt AR in Excess of$25K