Cindy Draper
Fiscal Policy Officercindy.draper@oregonstate.edu
Office: 541-737-1197
Kerr Administration Building
1500 SW Jefferson Avenue
FIS Policy Program Development & Management
Profile Field Tabs
I work part-time in the Controller's Office, Financial Accounting & Analysis. I am responsible for the development and management of the Fiscal Policy Program for Oregon State University, including a comprehensive website. I coordinate all fiscal policy activities and administrative actions, serving as the chair of a committee appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration. And I am responsible for university-wide communication, training and other resources related to fiscal policy.
I have a Masters degree in Business Administration from OSU, and an undergraduate degree in Business Management/Accounting. Prior to my employment at OSU, I managed accounting and human resources departments for nearly 20 years. I currently serve on the Albany Public Schools Foundation Board, as Chair of the Governance Committee and Past-President.