Students who drop or withdraw from a class, or withdraw from the university may be eligible for a tuition refund. Refunds are based on assessed tuition, course fees, and mandatory fees, and are calculated from the date you officially drop, withdraw, or cancel your registration or reduce your class load, not the last date of class attendance. Please see "Registration Cancellation/Withdrawal from the University."
Refunds are processed as a credit on your account. A payment will be issued to you if any credit balance remains after other charges and financial aid repayments have been satisfied. No refunds are authorized for persons paying staff rates. Please see the refund policy for information on how refunds are processed.
The Tuition/Fee Reduction Schedule follows those policies as established by the Oregon University System for the regular academic year (there are no refunds given for persons paying staff rates):
For the Academic Calendar 2022-2023 please click HERE
Click on the term you're looking for and scroll down to see the Tuition reduction deadlines for Drop a Course or Withdraw from a Course.