Policy Steward:
Fiscal Policy Officer
Format Updated:
University Policy & Standards Converted:
Revision Date:
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Printable Version
Editorial Style
- In general, we use the AP Stylebook as our editorial guideline (per OSU Brand/Marketing), with some modifications.
Common Examples:
- …a, b and c (not …a, b, and c)
- university (not University, unless as part of a title)
- university (not institution, use “external university funds” for foundation/grants/etc)
- Controller’s Unit (not Controller’s Office or BAFF)
- unit (not department or college)
- and (not &)
- fiscal policy-rule 03-xxx-xxx Title (not FIS; link # & Title only)
- bold titles/headers only
- avoid all caps (underline for emphasis)
- use “must” (not “need”, “shall”, “can”, “should”, “may”, etc.)
Links: to sites; to definitions (accommodations – DAS (academic) & EOA (employment)
- Correct emails to use: & (not BAFF)
- Acronyms: First reference should be named out and in parenthesis (not required for OSU) – for example “Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC)”
- Numbers: under 10 should be spelled out with number in parenthesis – for example “nine (9)”
- Bulleted lists: When making a bulleted or numbered list, be sure that capitalization, punctuation and structure are consistent. If items in a list are complete sentences, end each one with appropriate punctuation.
Colons: The colon is used to indicate something is following that will complete or amplify the previous material. It isn't necessary to capitalize the word immediately following a colon unless it begins a complete sentence of its own or is a proper noun.
- If The list is preceded by a colon & list is a continuation of the statement, with semi-colon after each item (either all required with “and” before last item, or only one required with “or” before last item), each bullet starts with lowercase
- If the list is preceded by a colon & there is no punctuation (list with no more than a few words per item), each bullet (& sometimes each word) starts with capital letter
- If the list is NOT preceded by a colon, each bullet starts with capital letter & ends with a period
- Font: Calibri 12pt (14pt for headings “1”)
- Single Spacing w/ “0” Before & “12pt” After
- “6pt” After (for “•” & “-“ levels) & “0” After (for short lists)
- Lines w/ “Window control” & “Keep lines together”
- “Keep with next” (for top levels “1” & “1.1” & list levels “•” & “-“)
- Remove Track Changes & “DRAFT” watermark from final version
- Accept final changes & remove comments from final version
- Verify that accurate template & structure was used (update as necessary)
- Review numbering, headers & footers for accuracy (update effective & last revised dates)
- Review Related Information, History & Contacts for accuracy (updates dates/etc.)
- Review for autocorrect & editor suggestions (update/ignore as necessary)
DFA Principles
- Structured and inclusive decision-making generates effective results.
- Clear and transparent communication conveys and confirms intent and respect for all stakeholders.
- Process consistency, balanced with flexibility, improves efficiency and effectiveness.
- Community safety and respect for all its members embodies our core values, and enables our mission.
- Active stewardship of resources ensures the long-term success of the university.
- Assessing and managing risk balances innovation and compliance.
- Clearly defined and integrated policies, standards and processes, that remove institutional bias, coupled with appropriately delegated authority, empower employees and improve the satisfaction of all stakeholders.
Section 1: Fiscal Policy Summary
- 1.1. Clear and concise statement of the fiscal principles directly related to this rule.
- 1.2. Explanation of intent or rationale why this rule is necessary, including legal or regulatory requirement, risk mitigation or general principle the university community must follow.
- 1.3. Explanation of who should be informed and understand this rule, describing broadness of applicability to the governing policy.
Section 2: Fiscal Policy General Requirements
- Identifies clear, specific information not associated with required process.
Section 3: Fiscal Policy Required Process
Summarizes standardized top-level process(es) required university wide to ensure compliance with policy/rule.
- Should not include detailed procedures (units may develop procedures independently)
- Should only reference “units” or “central administration” generally (do not specify “Business Centers”, colleges, departments, etc.)
- No specific restrictions on E&G funds
Section 4: Fiscal Policy Related Information
- 4.2. Identify & include links to other policies, standards, fiscal rules and related guidelines.
- 4.4. Identify & include links to other related resources.
- 4.5. Updated or develop any related definitions.
- 4.6. Updated or develop any related FAQs.
Section 5: History
- Includes dates of original issue, last version, last review and next scheduled review.
Section 6: Contacts
- Includes Policy Steward, program (FA&A) and link to FPP contacts on website.