Date Fiscal Policy/Rule Summary of Revision
01/07/20 03-150-904 Rule Codes Added 1GFT Budget to FT36 gift funds & minor correction to 1PB%.
01/30/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-02 Account Codes Removed exclusion of expediting fees.
02/05/20 03-140-505 Meals, Refreshments and Events Full review & update - Replaces FIS 410-01 Alcoholic Beverages, 410-05 Hosting Groups and Official Guests, 410-07 Non-Travel Meals and Refreshments & 410-09 Graduation Events.  Reformatted to new structure and revised to provide clearer/broader guidelines.  
03/03/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-10 Recharge Fee Calculation Form Updated form.
04/15/20 03-140-208 Travel Advances Revised to change Graduate Assistants to.3 FTE, settlement deadline to 60 days, and other minor changes to align with Departmental Advances & Personal Reimbursement policies.
04/15/20 03-140-209 Departmental Advances Revised to include Graduate Assistants at .3 FTE, change settlement deadline to 60 days, and other minor changes to align with Travel Advances & Personal Reimbursement policies.
04/20/20 03-140-211 Vendor Refunds Revised to update process for Payment Requests to be submitted to Central A/P.
04/21/20 03-140-505 Meals, Refreshments & Events Revised to exempt Recognized Student Organizations.
04/30/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-11 Recharge Fee Calculation Form – LABOR only New form to show total hourly labor costs for recharge fee calculations.
06/01/20 03-140-508 Fellowships, Scholarships & Student Payments Revised to change scholarship "awards" to "scholarships".
06/01/20 03-110-206 Parking Fines & Permit Sales Minor revision to language, including changing "institutional" to "university" funds.
06/01/20 03-140-206 Procurement Cards Revised to update Restrictions (section 3.6).
06/01/20 03-150-208 Gift Funds Full review & update - Replaces GCG 210 Gift Funds, FIS 102-05 Gift, Grant and Contract Income & FIS 202 Endowment Earnings.
06/19/20 03-140-203 Student & Volunteer Cash Payments Full review & update - Replaces FIS 407-01 Cash Out.  Increases threshold for Cash Out reimbursements.
06/22/20 03-150-204 Designated Operations Revised to delete section on “Covering fiscal year-end deficits".
06/22/20 03-150-205 Service Center Operations Revised to updated “Deficit” section, removing information related to year-end and adding information related to terminating a fund that is negative.
06/22/20 03-150-408 Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation of Funds Revised to delete information related to year-end for “Funds with Negative Fund Balances”.
06/29/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-11 Recharge Fee Calculation Form – LABOR only Updated form to include column for rounded internal hourly rate.
06/29/20 03-150-901 FOAPAL Elements Updated to add "Funds 7XXXXX are Affiliated Student Organization (ASO) Funds.

03-100-003 / Ex003-02 Account Codes

Added new account #28996 for Taxable Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements (W-2 Reportable).
07/21/20 03-140-211 Vendor Refunds Updated link to form.
07/21/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-02 Account Codes Added new account #20179 for Uncollected Cash Advance (1099 Reportable).
08/03/20 03-150-111 Journal Vouchers Minor revision to remove outdated information for Approving Journal Vouchers.
09/09/20 03-140-405 Travel-Meals Removed link to old policy for Meals on One-Day Trips, which is now being merged into new policy for Travel.
09/14/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-02 Account Codes Added new account #A5008 for Prepaid Equipment Expenses.
11/01/20 03-110-207 Surplus Property Sales Full review & update - Replaces FIS 102-06 & 206 Surplus Sales, PRO 211 Surplus & PRO 804 Surplus Property.  Updates guidelines & processes, providing clarity & improved details.
11/01/20 03-140-401 Travel Full review & update with significant changes - Consolidates all related travel policies (FIS 411, FIS 102-08, FIS 410-21, FIS 410-29 & university policy for Air Travel).
12/01/20 03-140-401 Travel Minor revision to section 3.9.6 Travel Paid by Outside Source to provide further compliance detail info.
12/01/20 03-140-501 Communication Services Minor revision to correct link to contact.
12/15/20 03-100-003 / Ex003-02 Account Codes Revised 28613 Public Relations/Fund Raising to address expenses to be reimbursed by OSUF.
12/31/20 03-140-202 Personal Reimbursements Minor revision to language related to 60-day rule.
12/31/20 03-140-401 Travel Minor revision to reimbursement language related to 60-day rule.