Property Management Policy & Procedure Manual
Section 000: Introductory Material
Effective: 07/01/1995
Revised: 12/19/2018

The Fixed Asset record now consists of 6 pages plus a text field.  Each page is a separate table in FIS Banner, which is why some information from page 1 repeats as a header on the following pages.  Here is a brief summary of the fields you may see on each page, and what they mean.  To look at an asset record in FIS, use query screen FFIMAST.

Fixed Assets Master Information

(Page 1 of 6 of the Asset Record)


Origination Tag #:  The temporary tag that FIS creates from the Invoice commodity information that feeds into the Fixed Assets module.   An Origination Tag is necessary for creating an asset record and can be created under a special function for an Asset acquired in any way other than a purchase (e.g., gift, transfer-in).

Origination Tag Date:  The date the Origination Tag is created in FIS.

Permanent Tag #:  The 6-digit OSU inventory number, which the Origination Tag is converted into.

Permanent Tag Date:  The date the Origination Tag is converted into a regular asset record with a 6-digit bar code inventory number.

Primary Tag #:  Used to identify the Parent asset for a subordinate record (either “component of” or “attachment”).

Subordinate Type:  There are three subordinate types: None, Component, and Attachment.

  • “None” indicates that the asset is not subordinate to another asset.
  • “Component” indicates that this asset works in conjunction with another asset as a system.  Components are ‘stand-alone’ capital assets and have their own 6-digit Permanent tag number.
  • “Attachments” are additions to a Parent asset.

System Status Code: This code indicates whether the asset is in use or disposed.  It also indicates the way the asset was acquired. 

  • “I” = Invoice
  • “N” = Non-Banner Procured Assets 
  • “G” = Gift
  • “L” = Loan
  • “D” = Disposed

Capitalization Indicator – a null field indicates an asset which is not owned by OSU, is not capitalized, and is not included in the Investment in Plant.

Unit of Measure: The grouping by which the asset is inventoried, such as EA for Each.  This code is tied to the commodity code.

Text Exists:  Indicates whether or not information is recorded in the asset’s text field.  The text field can only be accessed from the Master Information page via the ‘navigate’ button.

Sample Asset Text Screen

Tag in Use:  Indicates that some activity (adjustment or transfer) is in process affecting that asset record.

Gift Indicator: Indicates whether or not an item was gifted to the University.

Asset Description: The asset description, up to 60 characters, beginning with the generic or common noun.  This feeds directly into the asset record from the FIS invoice, and then is modified as needed.  Example: “Computer, Power Mac Model 8500/120 w/16MB".

Commodity:  This field now prompts off of the Purchase Order and isn’t used by Purchasing.  Disregard.

Asset Type:  This code comes from an OSU table and is used to group assets into broad, general categories (such as NO--non-expendable office furniture, NB--non-expendable laboratory equipment, etc.).  Each Asset Type is assigned a useful life, which drives depreciation on a given asset.

User Status Code:  The User Status should be either “I” - In Use, “D” - Disposed, "P" - Pending Disposal, or "S" - Surplus.

Insurance Value:  The value the asset is insured for.  Prior to FY16 year-end procedures, this value was adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index.  If it is uninsured, or not owned by OSU and is insured by the owner, this value would be blank.

Market Value:  Market value of the asset, usually the same as Book Value.

Replacement Value:  What it would cost to replace the asset.  Prior to FY16 year-end procedures, this value was adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index. This "automatic" process is no longer done at OSU.  

Book Value:  The acquisition or fair market value of the asset. If the asset is gifted to OSU, the donor must set the value of the asset on the letter of acknowledgement.  Non-owned assets have no book value because they are not part of our investment in plant.

Cost:  Amount of initial commodity line from the invoice or invoices.  This field would also reflect the value if an asset was acquired as a gift.

Total Cost:  The total of all funding lines from the Parent tag & any Otags (attachments) to the asset record.

Net Book Value:  Total costs plus/minus adjustments to write-up or write-down the value of an asset, less depreciation. 

Total Net Book Value:  Total of parent record plus attachments, plus/minus adjustments and depreciation.

Fixed Assets Acquisition Information

(Page 2 of 6 of the Asset Record)

Origination Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Permanent Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Acquisition Method:  This 2-character field is from an OSU table, and identifies how the asset was acquired (purchase, loan, gift, etc.) and, as applicable, the fund source (state, federal, other). 

Acquisition Date:   Date OSU gained title to the asset--typically this is the same as the date received, except for non-owned assets.

Make: This field is used to record the PI number.  It is a 2-digit code used to further sub-divide a department’s inventory below the level of responsible org. 

Model:  Manufacturer’s model number, if any.

Manufacturer:  This field is used to record the manufacturer of the asset, which is not always the same as the vendor in the case of third-party re-sellers.

Serial #/VIN:  Manufacturer’s serial number or vehicle identification number, if available.

Part #/Vehicle Tag:  Field for a part number or a vehicle license plate number.

User Reference Number:  This field will be used for the Sponsor ID # for grants and contracts (the alpha-numeric grant or contract code the research sponsor uses to identify the research award on their records).  Research sponsors want this number to appear on any correspondence about the award.   The field can also be used for other information, like the Historic Property Number for antiques, or the name of the owner for equipment on loan to the University.

Barcode Number:  This field will not be used, as our barcode number is the inventory number.

In-Service Date:  Date the asset was put into service.

Last Inventory Date:  Records the date the asset was scanned during the biennial physical inventory.

Percentage Used:  We currently use 100%.

Work in Progress: If the field is marked "Y", the asset is currently under construction.

Condition Code: Current condition of the equipment. 

Title-To: This 2-character code comes from an OSU table and identifies who has title to the equipment.  It also shows whether or not the asset is insured (2nd character “I” means insured, “N” means not insured).

Disposal:  This 2-character code comes from an OSU table and identifies how the asset was disposed.  

Disposal Date:  Records the date an asset record is actually terminated.

Fixed Assets Procurement Information

(Page 3 of 6 of the Asset Record)

Origination Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Permanent Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Vendor Code:  The data for this field defaults from the originating invoice.  The field includes the vendor code from the FIS vendor table, followed by the vendor name associated with that vendor.  The field is blank for records that cross-walked from FMS (the accounting system used prior to FIS Banner), or for assets acquired by means other than purchase.

Purchase Order:  Originating PO, if invoice was processed from a purchase order.

Purchase Item:  Not used.

Receiving Code:  Not used.

Received Date:  Date the department received the asset.

Invoice Code:  The payment document (e.g. FIS invoice or journal voucher) used to pay for the asset.

Invoice Date:  Transaction date of the FIS referenced payment document.

Invoice Item:  Not used.

Cancel Date:  Added by system when invoice is cancelled.

Credit Memo: Should always be null (N).

Installment: Should always be null (N).

Recurring: Should always be null (N).

COA (Chart of Accounts):  C = Oregon State University

Organization:  This code from the Organization Hierarchy Report (see FGRORGH) identifies the department responsible for the asset.  This is the ‘umbrella’ code for the entire department, not the subsidiary org code found in the FOAPAL line.

Location:  The alphanumeric code that identifies the building and room in which an asset is located.  The first 2 characters of the code (prefix) usually identify the building, and the final three or four characters, the room number.

Grant:  This code comes from the chart of accounts for restricted funds, and is used to group together all indexes for a particular grant or contract.  

Custodian ID:  Employee Identification Number (EIN) for responsible person.

Equipment Manager:  Employee Identification Number (EIN) for departmental inventory coordinator.

Fixed Assets Funding Source Information

(Page 4 of 6 of the Asset Record)

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Asset Funding Source -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

CoA   Index    Fund    Orgn    Acct    Prog    Actv    Locn   Project 

The Asset Funding Source information shows which Chart / Index / Fund / Org / Account / Program (FOAP) combination(s) paid for each sequence of a particular asset.

Origination Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Permanent Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Sequence:  An asset that was paid from one invoice with one commodity line and one funding line will have only one sequence.  If there are multiple commodity lines, or multiple funding lines for a commodity, each will create a separate sequence.  These sequences correspond to the sequences on the Capitalization page. 

Document: The invoice from which the asset record was created.

Cost:  The cost associated with the particular commodity line.

Percentage:  The percentage of the total asset value that this cost represents.

Fixed Assets Capitalization Information

(Page 5 of 6 of the Asset Record)

Origination Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Permanent Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Change Sequence #:  If the asset is a Gift/Donation, the default for this field is zero.  This change sequence keeps track of any changes made to the capitalization accounting distribution, either on the Capitalization Information window of FFAMAST or through the Fixed Asset Adjustment form FFAADJF. 

Sequence #:  Corresponds to the sequence from the Funding Source Page.

Direct Asset Indicator:  Information in this field signifies that a capitalization entry is present for the asset, and is included in the Investment in Plant.

COA:   C = OSU

Capitalization Fund:  The Investment in Plant fund code to which the asset is booked.  Assets purchased by service centers and auxiliaries are booked to the specific fund for the organization.

Equity Account:  E1001 (Net Investment in Plant)

Asset Account:  The appropriate Capital Asset Account code for the type of asset (A8011 for general equipment, A8012 for vehicles, etc.).

Accumulated Depreciation Account:  The appropriate accumulated depreciation account code that corresponds with the Asset Account.

Bank Code:  B1

Cost:  Amount from commodity line/FOAPAL for sequence.

Adjusted Cost:  Cost plus/minus adjusting entries (write-ups or write-downs) and depreciation.

Percentage:  Percent of total value of asset.

Accumulated Depreciation:  Total of accumulated depreciation.

Depreciation or Posting Indicator:  Indicates that depreciation is posting or not.

Fixed Assets User Fields

(Page 6 of 6 of the Asset Record)

Origination Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Permanent Tag:  Repeated from Page 1.

Functional Use Code:  This 2-digit field is from an OSU table and is required by the federal government.  It identifies how the asset is being used at OSU (examples include IN--Instruction, DA--Departmental Administration, OR--Organized Research, OS--Other Sponsored Activities, etc.).